令和3年度 研究成果
- Y. Fukaya, S. Okita, S. Nakagawa, M. Goto, H. Ohashi, X. L. Yan
- Computed tomography neutron detector system to observe power distribution in a core with long neutron flight path
- Annals of Nuclear Energy, 168, p.108911_1 - 108911_7, 2022/04
- Y. Fukaya, S. Ueta, T. Yamamoto, Y. Chikazawa, X. L. Yan
- Toxicity Reduction with Total Volume Control in Nuclear Waste
- Nuclear Technology, 208(2), p.335 - 346, 2022/02
- T. Nishihara
- Restart of HTTR
- 原子力機構・原研OB会会報,80号, P. 2, 2022/01
- M. Ono, A. Shimizu, H. Ohashi, S. Hamamoto, H. Inoi, K. Tokuhara*, Y. Nomoto*, Y. Shimazaki, K. Iigaki, M. Shinozaki
- Seismic classification of high temperature engineering test reactor
- Nuclear Engineering and Design, 386, p.111585_1 - 111585_9, 2022/01
- Y. Fukaya, M. Goto
- Reduction of the source term of an assumed criticality accident in a fuel fabrication facility with solution system
- Annals of Nuclear Energy, 164, p.108617_1 - 108617_6, 2021/12
- K. Takamatsu, T. Matsumoto*, W. Liu*, K. Morita*
- Comparisons between passive RCCSS on degree of passive safety features against accidental conditions and methodology to determine structural thickness of scaled-down heat removal test facilities
- Annals of Nuclear Energy, 162, p.108512_1 - 108512_10, 2021/11
- N. Fujimoto*, K. Tada, H. Q. Ho, S. Hamamoto, S. Nagasumi, E. Ishitsuka
- Nuclear data processing code FRENDY; A Verification with HTTR criticality benchmark experiments
- Annals of Nuclear Energy, 158, p.108270_1 - 108270_8, 2021/08
- O. Myagmarjav, A. Shibata*, N. Tanaka, H. Noguchi, S. Kubo, M. Nomura*, H. Takegami
- Fabrication, permeation, and corrosion stability measurements of silica membranes for HI decomposition in the thermochemical iodine-sulfur process
- International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 46(56), p.28435 - 28449, 2021/08
- S. Ueta, K. Sasaki, Y. Arita*
- Concepts and basic designs of various nuclear fuels, 5; Fuels for high temperature gas-cooled reactor and molten salt reactor
- AESJ ATOMOΣ, 63(8), p.615 - 620, 2021/08
- N. Tanaka, S. Sawada*, T. Yamaki*, T. Kodaira*, T. Kimura*, M. Nomura*
- Improvement of HI concentration performance for hydrogen production iodine-sulfur process using crosslinked cation-exchange membrane
- Chemical Engineering Science, 237, p.116575_1 - 116575_11, 2021/06
- H. Q. Ho, N. Fujimoto*, S. Hamamoto, S. Nagasumi, M. Goto, E. Ishitsuka
- Preparation for restarting the high temperature engineering test reactor: Development of utility tool for auto seeking critical control rod position
- Nuclear Engineering and Design, 377, p.111161_1 - 111161_9, 2021/06
- S. Atkinson*, T. Aoki, D. Litskevich*, B. Merk*, X. L. Yan
- Part 3, Evaluating a small modular high temperature reactor design during control rod withdrawal and a depressurised loss of coolant accidents
- Progress in Nuclear Energy, 134, p.103689_1 - 103689_10, 2021/04
- S. Hamamoto, E. Ishitsuka, S. Nakagawa, M. Goto, H. Matsuura*, K. Katayama*, T. Otsuka*, K. Tobita*
- Study on chemical form of tritium in coolant helium of high temperature gas cooled reactor with tritium production device
- 2021 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2021), 2021/10
- S. Hamamoto, H. Ohashi, K. Iigaki, Y. Shimazaki, M. Ono, A. Shimizu, E. Ishitsuka
- Proposal of evaluation method of graphite incombustibility
- 2021 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2021), 2021/10
- Hai Quan Ho, N. Fujimoto*, S. Hamamoto, S. Nagasumi, M. Goto, E. Ishitsuka
- Calculation of control rods position for restarting the high temperature engineering test reactor
- 10th International Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology (HTR 2021), 2021/06
- Department of HTTR
- Operation, test, research and development of the High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor (HTTR) (FY2019)
- JAEA-Review 2021-017, 81 Pages, 2021/11
- E. Ishitsuka, W. Mitsui*, Y. Yamamoto*, K. Nakagawa*, H. Q. Ho, T. Ishii, S. Hamamoto, S. Nagasumi, K. Takamatsu, I. Kenzhina*, Y. Chikhray*, H. Matsuura*, N. Fujimoto*
- Report of summer holiday practical training 2020; Feasibility study on nuclear battery using HTTR core; Feasibility study for nuclear design, 3
- JAEA-Technology 2021-016, 16 Pages, 2021/09
- D. Tochio, S. Nagasumi, H. Inoi, S. Hamamoto, M. Ono, S.Kobayashi, T. Uesaka, S. Watanabe, K. Saito
- Impact assessment for internal flooding in HTTR (High temperature engineering test reactor)
- JAEA-Technology 2021-014, 80 Pages, 2021/09
- N. Fujimoto*, K. Fukuda*, Y. Honda*, D. Tochio, H. Q. Ho, S. Nagasumi, T. Ishii, S. Hamamoto, Y. Nakano*, E. Ishitsuka
- Mesh effect around burnable poison rod of cell model for HTTR fuel block
- JAEA-Technology 2021-008, 23 Pages, 2021/06