令和2年度 研究成果
- N. Hirota, K. Takeda, Y. Tachibana, Y. Masaki
- Corrosion resistance and oxide film structure of stainless steels and Ni-based alloys under sulfuric decomposition gas at high temperature
- zairyo-to-kankyo, 70(3), p.68-76, 2021/03
- K. Takamatsu, T. Matsumoto, W. Liu, K. Morita
- Comparison between passive reactor cavity cooling systems based on atmospheric radiation and atmospheric natural circulation
- Annals of Nuclear Energy, 151, p.107867_1 - 107867_11, 2021/02
- Y. Fukaya, S. Ueta, M. Goto, H. Ohashi
- Feasibility study on burnable poison credit concept to HTGR fuel fabrication from core specification perspective
- Annals of Nuclear Energy, 151( ), p.107937_1 - 107937_9, 2021/02
- T. Aoki, S. S. Chirayath, H. Sagara
- Proliferation resistance evaluation of an HTGR transuranic fuel cycle using PRAETOR code
- Annals of Nuclear Energy, 141, p.107325_1 - 107325_7, 2020/06
- H. Sato, H. Ohashi
- Uncertainty analysis of toxic gas leakage accident in cogeneration high temperature gas-cooled reactor
- Mechanical Engineering Journal (Internet), 7(3), p.19-00332_1 - 19-00332_11, 2020/06
- S. Takada, I. W. Ngarayana, Y. Nakatsuru, A. Terada, K. Murakami, K. Sawa
- Establishment of reasonable 2-D model to investigate heat transfer and flow characteristics by using scale model of vessel cooling system for HTTR
- Mechanical Engineering Journal (Internet), 7(3), p.19-00536_1 - 19-00536_12, 2020/06
- S. Ueta, N. Mizuta, K. Sasaki, N. Sakaba, H. Ohashi, X. L. Yan
- Research and development on high burnup HTGR fuels in JAEA
- Mechanical Engineering Journal (Internet), 7(3), p.19-00571_1 - 19-00571_12, 2020/06
- I. Ioka, J. Iwatsuki, Y. Kuriki, D. Kawai, H. Yokota, S. Kubo, Y. Inagaki, N. Sakaba
- Study of container using hybrid technique for sulfuric acid decomposition of thermochemical water-splitting iodine-sulfur process
- Mechanical Engineering Journal (Internet), 7(3), p.19-00377_1 - 19-00377_11, 2020/06
- M. Ono, Y. Fujiwara, T. Matsumoto, K. Iigaki
- Evaluation of impact with high temperature engineering test reactor using realistic model of stack and reactor building
- Transactions of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan, 19(2), p.110 - 120, 2020/06
- Y. Fukaya, N. Mizuta, M. Goto, H. Ohashi, X. L. Yan
- Conceptual design study of a high performance commercial HTGR for early introduction
- Nuclear Engineering and Design, 361, p.110577_1 - 110577_6, 2020/05
- Y. Kamiji, H. Noguchi, H. Takegami, N. Tanaka, J. Iwatsuki, S. Kasahara, S. Kubo
- Reliability improvements of corrosion-resistant equipment for thermochemical water splitting hydrogen production iodine-sulfur process
- Nuclear Engineering and Design, 361, p.110573_1 - 110573_6, 2020/05
- Y. Fukaya, M. Goto, H. Ohashi
- Self-shielding effect of double heterogeneity for plutonium burner HTGR design
- Annals of Nuclear Energy, 138, p.107182_1 - 107182_9, 2020/04
- H. Q. Ho, Y. Honda, S. Hamamoto, T. Ishii, S. Takada, N. Fujimoto, E. Ishitsuka
- Promising Neutron Irradiation Applications at the High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor
- Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science, 6(2), p.021902_1 - 021902_6, 2020/04
- H. Sato, T. Aoki, H. Ohashi, X. L. Yan
- Research and development for safety and licensing of HTGR cogeneration system
- Nuclear Engineering and Design, 360, p.110493_1 - 110493_8, 2020/04
- H. Takegami, H. Noguchi, N. Tanaka, J. Iwatsuki, Y. Kamiji, S. Kasahara, Y. Imai, A. Terada, S. Kubo
- Development of strength evaluation method of ceramic reactor for iodine-sulfur process and hydrogen production test in Japan Atomic Energy Agency
- Nuclear Engineering and Design, 360, p.110498_1 - 110498_6, 2020/04
- H. Sato, T. Aoki, H. Ohashi
- Guidance for Developing Fuel Design Limit of High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor
- Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 2020) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2020/08
- T. Aoki, H. Sato, H. Ohashi
- Methodology Development for Transient Flow Distribution Analysis in High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor
- Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 2020) (Internet), 6 Pages, 2020/08
- T. Aoki, K. Isaka, H. Sato, H. Ohashi
- Development of a Flow Network Calculation Code (FNCC) for High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors (HTGRs)
- Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 2020) (Internet), 7 Pages, 2020/08
- T. Shibata, H. Sato, S. Ueta, H. Takegami, S. Takada, K. Kunitomi
- VHTR technology development in Japan; Progress of R&D activities for GIF VHTR system
- 2018 GIF Symposium Proceedings (Internet), p.99 - 106, 2020/05
- 小野 正人, 塙 善雄, 園部 博, 西村 嵐, 菅谷 直人, 飯垣 和彦
- 高温工学試験研究炉における航空機落下確率に関する評価
- JAEA-Technology 2020-010
- 石塚 悦男, 中島 弘貴, 中川 直樹, Ho, H. Q, 石井 俊晃, 濱本 真平, 高松 邦吉, Kenzhina, I., Chikhray, Y., 松浦 秀明, et al.
- 2019年度夏期休暇実習報告; HTTR炉心を用いた原子力電池に関する予備的検討; 核設計のための予備検討,2
- JAEA-Technology 2020-008
- 高速炉・新型炉研究開発部門
- 令和元年度研究開発・評価報告書; 評価課題「高温ガス炉とこれによる熱利用技術の研究開発」(中間評価)
- JAEA-Evaluation 2020-001
- 長住 達, 松中 一朗, 藤本 望, 石井 俊晃, 石塚 悦男
- HTTR炉心解析における制御棒モデルの検討
- JAEA-Technology 2020-003