Results for FY '07

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S. Kasahara, S. Kubo, R. Hino, K. Onuki, M. Nomura and S. Nakao
Flowsheet Study of the Thermochemical Water-Splitting IS Process for Effective Hydrogen Production
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol.32, No.4, pp.489-496 (2007).
A. Terada, J. Iwatsuki, S. Ishikura, H. Noguchi, S. Kubo, H. Okuda, S. Kasahara, N. Tanaka, H. Ota, K. Onuki and R. Hino
Development of Hydrogen Production Technology by Thermo-Chemical Water Splitting IS Process - Pilot Test Plan -
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, Vol.44, No.3, pp.477-482 (2007).
Y. Inagaki,, H. Ohashi, Y. Inaba, H. Sato, T. Nishihara, T. Takeda, K. Hayashi and M. Ogawa
Research and Development on System Integration Technology for Connection of Hydrogen Production System to an HTGR
Nuclear Technology, Vol. 157, pp.111-119 (2007).
K. Kunitomi, X. Yan, T. Nishihara, N. Sakaba and T. Mouri,
JAEA's VHTR for Hydroten and Electricity Cogeneration GTHTR300C
Korean Nuclear Engineering Design, Vol. 39, No.1, P9-20, (2007).
T. Takeda, X. Yan and K. Kunitomi
Numerical Analysis on Air Ingress Behavior in GTHTR300-Cogeneration System
Journal of Power and Energy Systems, Vol.1, No.1, pp.24-35, (2007)
S. Katanishi, K. Kunitomi
Safety evaluation on the depressurization accident in the Gas Turbine High Temperature Reactor (GTHTR300)
Nuclear Engineering Design, Vol.237, Issues 12-13, pp.1372-1380, (2007)
H. Ohashi, N. Sakaba, T. Nishihara, K. Kunitomi
Numerical Study on Tritium Behavior with Isotope Exchange Reactions in Thermochemical Water-Splitting Iodine-Sulfur Process
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, Vol.44, No.11, pp.1-14, (2007)
N. Sakaba, S. Kasahara, K. Onuki, K. Kunitomi
Conceptual design of hydrogen production system with thermochemical water-splitting iodine-sulphur process utilizing heat from the high-temperature gas-cooled reactor HTTR
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol.32, Issue 17, pp.4160-4169, (2007)
X. Yan, T. Takizuka, K. Kunitomi, H. Itaka, K. Takahashi
Aerodynamic Design, Model Test, and CFD Analysis for a Multistage Axial Helium Compressor
ASME Transactions, Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 130, 031018-1, July 2008

International Conference

N. Sakaba, H. Sato, H. Ohashi, T. Nishihara, K. Kunitomi
Conceptual system design of non-nuclear-grade IS process to be coupled with the HTTR
IAEA-CN-152, Oarai, Japan, April 16-19, paper No. 29
S. Kubo, H. Ohashi, A. Kanagawa, S. Kasahara, Y. Imai, H. Fukui, T. Nishibayashi, M. Shimazaki, R. Miyashita, Y. Tago, K. Onuki
Closed cycle and continuous operations by a thermo-chemical water splitting IS process.
Int. Conf. on Non-Electric Applications of Nuclear Power (IAEA-CN-152), April 16-18, 2007, Oarai, Japan, paper No. 30.
Sato, H. Ohashi, T. Nishihara, K. Kunitomi
Conceptual system design of non-nuclear-grade IS process to be coupled with the HTTR
IAEA-CN-152, Oarai, Japan, April 16-19, paper No. 76.
H. Sato, H. Ohashi, N. Sakaba, T. Nishihara, K. Kunitomi
Conceptual design of the HTTR-IS hydrogen production system - Assumed abnormal accidents caused by the IS process
ICONE15-10150, Nagoya, Japan, April 22-26, 2007
T. Nishihara, T. Mouri and K. Kunitomi
Potential of the HTGR Hydrogen Cogeneration System in Japan
ICONE15-10157, Nagoya, Japan, April 22-26, 2007
M. Hodotsuka, X. Yang and H. Okuda
Study on VLE of hydriodic acid for thermochemical hydrogen production IS process
ICONE15-10169, Nagoya, Japan, April 22-26, 2007
A. Terada, R. Hino, T. Hirayama, N. Nakajima
Development of hydraulic analysis code for optimizing thermo-chemical IS process reactors
ICONE15-10177, Nagoya, Japan, April 22-26, 2007
J. Iwatsuki, A. Terada, H. Noguchi, A. Kanagawa, M. Ijichi, S. Kasahara, S. Kubo, N. Sakaba, K. Onuki and R. Hino
Design study of pilot test plant for hydrogen production by thermo-chemical water splitting IS process
ICONE15-10178, Nagoya, Japan, April 22-26, 2007
M Goto, S. Nakagawa, K. Takamatsu, T. Takeda
Validation of neutronics calculation codes for VHTR nuclear design using TTR experimental data
ICONE15-10205, Nagoya, Japan, April 22-26, 2007
S. Nakagawa, K. Takamatsu, M. Goto, T. Takeda, T. Iyoku
Improvement of analysis technologies for HTGR by using the HTTR data
ICONE15-10222, Nagoya, Japan, April 22-26, 2007
N. Tanaka, H. Suwa, A. Terada
Study on corrosion resistance of glass lining and gold plating in high temperature sulfuric acid for thermochemical hydrogen production IS process
ICONE15-10331, Nagoya, Japan, April 22-26, 2007
K. Kunitomi, S. Shiozawa and X. Yan
Basic design and economical evaluation of Gas Turbine High Temperature Reactor 300 (GTHTR300)
Proceedings of ICAPP 2007, Nice France, May 13-18, 2007
N. Sakaba, H. Sato, H. Ohashi, T. Nishihara, K. Kunitomi, S. Shiozawa
Development strategy for non-nuclear grade hydrogen production system coupled with the Japan's HTTR
Proceedings of ST-NH2, 17270, Boston, US, June 24-28, 2007
H. Sato, N. Sakaba, H. Ohashi, N. Sano, T. Nishihara, K. Kunitomi
- Dynamic simulation code development for the advanced process heat exchangers in the HTTR-IS system -
Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Fuel Cycles and Systems GLOBAL2007, 812-819, 9-13, September 2007, Boise, ID, USA (2007)
N. Sakaba, S. Hamamoto, Y. Takeda
R&D of Lifetime Extension for Primary Materials by Active Chemistry Control for Coolant Helium: Study on Chemical Equilibrium in the HTGR Core
Proceedings of ANS Winter Meeting, 678, 11-15 November 2007, Washington D.C., US (2007)
Y. Takeda, S. Hamamoto, N. Sakaba
R&D of Lifetime Extension for Primary Materials by Active Chemistry Control for Coolant Helium: Corrosion Tests of Heat Resistant Alloy
Proceedings of ANS Winter Meeting, 677, 11-15 November 2007, Washington, D.C., US (2007)
K. Takamatsu, S. Nakagawa, T. Takeda
Core dynamics analysis for reactivity insertion and loss of coolant flow tests using the HTTR
ICONE15-10158, Nagoya, Japan, April 22-26, 2007


S. Nakagawa, M. Umeda, D. H. Beddingfield, H. O. Menlove, and K. Yamashita
Development of the Unattended Spent Fuel Flow Monitoring Safeguards System (UFFM) for the High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor (HTTR) (Joint Research)
JAEA-Technology 2007-003
N. Sakaba, Y. Tachibana, S. Shimakawa, H. Ohashi, H. Sato, X. Yan, T.Murakami, K. Ohashi,
S. Nakagawa, M. Goto, S. Ueta, Y. Mozumi, Y. Imai, N.Tanaka, H. Okuda, J. Iwatsuki, S. Kubo,
S. Takada, T. Nishihara, K. Kunitomi
Examination on small-sized cogeneration HTGR for developing countries
JAEA-Technology 2008- 019(2008)