Treatment of Radioactive Waste

Flow diagram for Solid Waste treatment

Flow diagram for Solid Waste treatment


Solid waste, which includes combustible waste, is sent to the waste treatment facility No.1. Combustible wastes such as cloth, vinyl acetate, and rubber gloves, are processed by the incinerator.

Waste Size Reduction Processing

Large-sized waste such as tanks, are cut to small pieces in the size reduction area of the Waste Size Reduction and Storage Facility (WSRSF).

Non-metal melting system

Combustibles, semi-combustibles, such as rubber and vinyl chloride, and incombustibles, such as glass and concrete, are treated by the Non-metal Melting system in the Waste Volume Reduction Facility(WVRF).

Super Compactor

Metal wastes generated from research reactor are compacted using a super compactor in the Waste Volume Reduction Facility (WVRF).

Metal Melting System

Metal wastes generated from research facilities (non-reactor) are melted using the Metal Melting System in the Waste Volume Reduction Facility (WVRF).

Compaction of Intermediate Level Waste

Compressible solid wastes (Intermediate Level) are brought into a cell of the solid waste treatment system. The solid wastes are divided and cut when needed, and compressed within the cask. The compacted wastes are then placed into a metal can and sealed.

treatmentFlow diagram for Liquid Waste Treatment

treatmentFlow diagram for Liquid Waste Treatment

Evapolation and Cementation

Liquid waste (A and B-1) is sent to the radioactive waste treatment facility No. 3. The liquid waste is evaporated and the resulting concentrate is solidified uniformly with cement.

Evapolation and Bituminization

Liquid waste (B-1 and B-2) is sent to the radioactive waste treatment facility No. 2. The liquid waste is evaporated and the resulting concentrate is solidified uniformly with bitumen.

Flow diagram for Gaseous Waste Treatment

Gaseous Waste Treatment

Gaseous waste is discharged at each facility after removal purification by passage through a filter.

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