Critical assemblies
Safety and fundamental research on the nuclear fuel cycle.
under planning for modification
The modified STACY (Static Experiment Critical Facility) is a tank-type critical assembly using uranium fuel pins and light water as a moderator to study nuclear criticality safety of light water reactors (LWRs).
The basic design of the modified STACY is similar to that of the tank-type critical assembly (TCA), but it is expected to provide various criticality and subcriticality data with more experimental parameters than that utilized in TCA. The license application for the modified assembly has been under governmental review since February 2011.
STACY, the present apparatus
The present STACY is a containment tank-type critical assembly to study nuclear criticality safety of solution fuel treated in fuel reprocessing plants and other fuel cycle facilities.
TRACY (Transient Experiment Critical Facility) is a pulse-type reactor to study transient behavior of criticality accidents of solution fuel treated in fuel reprocessing plants and other fuel cycle facilities.
TCA (Tank-type Critical Assembly)
TCA (Tank-type Critical Assembly) is a critical assembly for the study of reactor physics and criticality safety of light water reactors (LWRs).
FCA (Fast Critical Assembly)
FCA (Fast Critical Assembly) is the country’s only critical assembly for the study of the neutronic characteristics of fast reactors.