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Recruitment for Postdoctoral Fellow
(Fixed-term researcher)

  1. Physics Chemistry Mathematics Geo and Environemtal Sciences Biology Radiation
    Mechanics Material Electricity and Electronics Architectural and Civil Engineering Applied Physics Applied Chemistry
    Chemical Engineering Measurements and Instruments Computer and Information Robotics Other All
  2. No Theme
    Department Section Location Contact Person Radiation Worker/
    Non-Radiation Worker
    (for reference)
    J12Study on the volcanic activity evaluation in a geological radioactive waste disposal
    Nuclear Safety Research CenterEnvironmental Safety Research GroupTokai Research and Development Center
    Nuclear Science Research Institute
    Seiji Takeda
    E-mail: takeda.seiji@jaea.go.jp
    Non-Radiation WorkerApplied Chemistry
    Geo and Environemtal Sciences
    Measurements and Instruments
    In a safety assessment of geological radioactive waste disposal, it is necessary to estimate the environmental impact at the site due to occurrence of natural phenomenon such as a volcanic activity, an earthquake and fault activity. In this theme, the research on the volcanic activity evaluation characterized by magma residence time, accumulated volume and temporal distribution of magma is conducted, in order to estimate the thermal and/or geochemical effects of a disposal site by a volcanic activity.
    J17Development of metal recognition reagents and high efficient chemical separation systems
    Sector of Nuclear Science Research Advanced Science Research CenterResearch Group for Interfacial Reaction-Field ChemistryTokai Research and Development Center
    Nuclear Science Research Institute
    Hirochika Naganawa
    E-mail: naganawa.hirochika@jaea.go.jp
    Radiation WorkerChemistry
    Applied Chemistry
    Chemical Engineering
    The purpose of this research is to develop new chemical separation and sensing technologies having high efficiency and sensitivity for radioactive materials in environmental samples and valuable metals in industrial wastes. Specifically, separation systems for actinides, rare(minor) metals, precious metals, and heavy metals will be developed by using new extractants, adsorbents, and biomaterials that have high selectivity and binding ability for the metal ions. In this theme, fundamental and practical studies go together by applying "emulsion flow extractor" of a new-type extracting device.
    J21Materials science research by using a muon beam
    Sector of Nuclear Science Research Advanced Science Research CenterResearch Group for Nanoscale Structure and Function of Advanced MaterialsTokai Research and Development Center
    Nuclear Science Research Institute
    Wataru Higemoto
    E-mail: higemoto.wataru@jaea.go.jp
    Radiation WorkerPhysics
    Applied Physics
    Applied Chemistry
    Measurements and Instruments
    The applicant will be involved in materials science research by using accelerator-produced muons, which are implanted into a material and used as a sensitive local probe. In our group, the applicant will be able to use advanced muon beams, such as an ultra-slow muon beam in J-PARC, to investigate various functional materials. Instrumentation is also encouraged for the purpose.
    J22Research and development of minor actinide separation process from high level liquid waste
    Nuclear Science and Engineering CenterResearch Croup for Partitioning, Partitioning and Transmutation Technology DivisionTokai Research and Development Center
    Nuclear Science Research Institute
    Tatsuro Matsumura
    E-mail: matsumura.tatsuro@jaea.go.jp
    Radiation WorkerChemistry
    Applied Chemistry
    Chemical Engineering
    In order to reduce the burden of the geological disposal of high level waste (HLW), partitioning and transmutation technology has been investigated. Since minor actinides have high radiotoxity and long half lives, the separation from HLW is very important. The subject of this theme is development of recovery and separation process of minor actinides with novel extractant from HLW for partitioning and transmutation technology. In this study, the novel extractants which has high selectivity of americium and curium from high level liquid waste will be studied and evaluated applicability for practical separation process. The experiments using minor actinides and high level liquid waste in glove boxes and hot cells will be carried out.
    F13Research and development of treatment method for radioactive wastes generated at the contaminated water treatment facility in Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant
    Sector of Nuclear Science Research Advanced Science Research CenterResearch Group for Interfacial Reaction Field ChemistryTokai Research and Development Center
    Nuclear Science Research Institute
    Kazuya Tanaka
    E-mail: tanaka.kazuya@jaea.go.jp
    Radiation WorkerGeo and Environemtal Sciences
    Applied Chemistry
    At Fukushima Daiichi, radionuclides in the contaminated water have been removed according to thier physicochemical forms. Posttreatment method for disposal of those radionuclides collected by various materials has yet to be decided. This study aims to develop effective posttreatment methods for mainly long-life anionic radionuclides for which few effective treatment methods for geological disposal are known. The posttreatment methods for them include conversion to stable inorganic form and subsequent solidification.
    F14Elucidation of migration behavior of radioactive cesium in forest and technological development for preventing dispersion of contaminates
    Sector of Nuclear Science Research Advanced Science Research CenterResearch Group for Interfacial Reaction Field ChemistryTokai Research and Development Center
    Nuclear Science Research Institute
    Fuminori Sakamoto
    E-mail: sakamoto.fuminori@jaea.go.jp
    Radiation WorkerGeo and Environemtal Sciences
    Applied Chemistry
    Fungi including mushrooms have a high ability to absorb radioactive cesium from contaminated soil and woods. This ability is supposed to give significant impact on migration behavior of radioactive cesium in forest although the mechanism has yet to be elucidated. The Japanese government recently decided to decontaminate Satoyama, undeveloped woodland near the populated areas, in near future. To achieve this, prevention of radioactive cesium dispersion from the depths of the forest to Satoyama areas is necessary The purposes of this study is to elucidate the migration behavior of radioactive cesium in forest through investigating biological transformation of radioactive cesium by fungi and cesium immobilization by minerals. This study also aims to develop methods to preventing dispersion of radioactive cesium in forest.