Horonobe Underground Research Center

Travel & Visit

Travel Information

From Tokyo to Sapporo, Asahikawa or Wakkanai by Air

There are a total of over 70 flights from Tokyo (Haneda or Narita) to Sapporo (New Chitose), 7 flights from Tokyo (Haneda) to Asahikawa and one or two flights from Tokyo (Haneda) to Wakkanai every day. In addition, there are two daily connecting flights from Sapporo (New Chitose) to Wakkanai. Please check the relevant airline official websites for the latest flight timetable and available flights from other airports.

From Tokyo to Sapporo, Asahikawa or Wakkanai by Air

From Sapporo, Asahikawa and Wakkanai to Horonobe by Rail

Detailed information on train and airport shuttle services with approximate travel time from each airport to Horonobe is given below. Please check the JR Hokkaido and the relevant bus company official websites for the latest timetable.

From Sapporo (New Chitose Airport) to Horonobe From Asahikawa (Asaahikawa Airport) to Horonobe From Wakkanai (Wakkanai Airport) to Horonobe

Visit Information

We welcome individuals and groups (up to 9 people per group) from all over the world to visit the shafts, galleries and experimental niches of the Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory where our research and development (R&D) is being carried out as well as the public relations facility 'Yume Chiso Kan' introducing our R&D in general. The tour of the surface and subsurface facilities takes approximately 2 hours and is free of charge. Please note that visits to the subsurface facilities are restricted owing to tunnel excavation work until March 2026; if you wish to visit the subsurface facilities, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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