Horonobe Underground Research Center
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Geoscientific study
This is a comprehensive research for clarification of geology, hydrogeology, geochemistry and rock mechanical properties. Research on the development of investigation techniques, as well as on earthquakes and faults, is conducted concurrently.

> Methodology development for the investigation of geological environment
> Development of monitoring technology of geological environment
> Development of basic engineering technology for deep geological environments
> Research on long-term stability of geological environments

Methodology development for the investigation of geological environment
Various kinds of data are obtained systematically from the surface to the deep underground to show the geological environment as a synthesized model.
What is the purpose of electromagnetic survey?
The purpose of this survey is to know geological structure. Geological structure is also studied by the borehole drilling.
You conduct various studies on groundwater conditions?
Groundwater property is one of the essential issues for the modeling of geological environment.
Geophysical survey Borehole investigations
Groundwater sampling Permeability test
Development of monitoring technology for geological environment
Methodology for monitoring changes in geological environment resulting from construction of underground facilities will be developed.
What is the purpose of electromagnetic survey?
Monitoring is the measurements of changes in geological environment caused by the excavation of shafts and drifts. There is a system to obtain real time data of changes over the long-term.
Example of monitoring in borehole  
Development of basic engineering technology for deep geological environments
Design and construction techniques for deep underground facilities will be developed.
What is the drawing on the right?
This is an "underground research facility." Various kinds of experiments are to be conducted in this facility.
Why is an underground research facility shaped like this?
This facility is designed this way because it is necessary to provide enough space that allows research- ers and mechinery to conduct research. This is called a "shaft system".
What is basic engineering technology?
For example, please look at the figure on the right. This is an experiment to study the effects of shafts and drifts excavation on rocks. Technical development is conducted to ensure the stability of underground facilities which is an important factor in geological disposal.
Shaft system
Experiment on the effect by drift excavation
Research on long-term stability of geological environments
Research is conducted on earthquakes, fault movements, uplift / subsidence,climatic / sea-level changes and crustal movements.
There are a lot of different observations, aren't there?
Yes. Methodology to be used to predict changes of geological environment will be developed through actual observations of seismic activities and crustal movements. The various observations will improve the reliability of methodology to evaluate the long-term stability of geological environments.
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