International Cooperation

We promote the international cooperation in various fields.

JMTR on-site training couse for foreign young researchers and engineers

The Department of JMTR at Oarai has established an international cooperative framework for strengthening the basis of nuclear technology and promoted the personnel exchange and develop-ment between the research reactors in foreign countries. As part of these efforts, we have been organizing an on-site training course since 2012, targeted for foreign young researchers and engineers. The training course is contributing to securing and developing human resource in nuclear energy field, as well as promoting future utilization of the rradiation testing reactors.

This course includes lectures etc. such as basic lecture of nuclear energy, lectures of irradiation research and safety management at the JMTR, practical trainings of nuclear and thermal design, reactor operation using the simulator, handling of irradiated specimen at the JMTR Hot Labo-ratory.

JMTR on-site training couse for foreign young researchers and engineers

Field of High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor(HTGR)

Bilateral cooperation

Poland:National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ) Cooperation to HTGR Deployment Plan (Experimental HTGR)
United Kingdom:URENCO Cooperation to U-Battery Project (Commercial HTGR)
USA:Department of Energy (DOE) Participation in Civil Nuclear R&D Working Group (CNWG)
Korea:Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) Information exchange about research progress
China:Tsinghua University, INET Information exchange about research progress

Multilateral cooperation

OECD/NEA Implementation of joint tests by HTTR
IAEA Participation in Technical Working Group on Gas Cool Reactors(TWGGCR)
Generation Ⅳ International Forum(GIF) Participation in four projects related to Very High Temperature gas-cooled Reactor System: (1) hydrogen production, (2) fuel and fuel recycle, (3) material and (4) computational methods validation and benchmarking

International collaboration for next generation fast reactor

For advanced sodium cooled fast reactor, we are promoting research collaboration and the related planning on a variety of fields including safety, plant design, analytical models and material in a multilateral framework such as GIF as well as in bilateral agreements with various countries such as France, USA and Kazakhstan.

GEN Ⅳ International Forum

We plan to conduct an experimental study using the AtheNa*2 facility for the purpose of ensuring the capability of reactor core cooling even in case of severe accidents.

*2: Advanced Technology Experiment Sodium (Na) Facility

Bird-view of AtheNa

Bird-view of AtheNa

International collaboration for next generation fast reactor

We started cooperation with France on development of the French fast reactor ASTRID*3 in August, 2014.

*3: Advanced Sodium Technological Reactor for Industrial Demonstration

Bird-view of ASTRID
Bird-view of ASTRID

We have conducted collaborative researches with Kazakhstan that simulate a severe accident where a reactor core melts.

Test reactor in Kazakhstan
Test reactor in Kazakhstan

We have collaborated with USA on various researches for development and standardiza-tion of advanced materials appropriate to fast reactors, development of plant simulation tech-nology and the related analytical models, etc.

Large scale parallel computer system for analytical research
Large scale parallel computer system for analytical research

International cooperation on FR development and human resources development

We promote irradiation tests in Joyo for Fast Reactor(FR) technological development under international cooperation.

JOYO-Phenix(France) cooperation on the exchange of test speciments

X-ray CT
  • The fuel subassembly with a cladding material developed by CEA has been irra-diated in Joyo(as shown in X-ray CT picture).
  • The integrity of long-term irradiated FR fuel was confirmed.
We exchange information on reactor operating and maintenance experience with foreign FR engineers to enhance the safety of FRs.
We support international young FR engineeers on internship programs.

Cooperation with international FR engineers

Japan Atomic Energy Agency

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