Estimated Mass of Waste from Decommissioning

We have estimated the classification by the level of radioactive waste generated the decommissioning of "Fugen" to calculate the amount of waste based on the weights of the buildings, equipment, and pipings.
As an evaluation in the case without taking into account the decontamination, it is estimated approximately 50,000 tons required to be processed and disposed of as the radioactive waste in the total weight of approximately 360,000 tons.
The waste that not required to be treated as radioactive one will be discharged from the facility the prescribed procedure and confirmation specified in the Nuclear Reactor Regulation Law are completed, and be reused as much as possible.
The "Estimated contamination distribution of the facilities subjected to be decommissioned" and the "Estimated amount of radioactive solid waste and dismantling waste to be generated" in "Fugen" are shown below.