


Access to venue



Advance Registration for Tsuruga Session and Monju Site Tour
Please complete the registration form and send it by e-mail or fax to the Tsuruga session secretariat by November 30. For non-Japanese participants: if you would like to participate in Monju site tour, please fill in the JAEA Foreign National Visit Proposal Form (FNVP) from Parts A to D, with your supervisor's signature) and send it to the secretariat with your registration form by the said deadline.

On-site Registration for Tsuruga Session
On-site registration for Tsuruga Session is available on December 16 from 12:00 - 13:00 at the venue (Plaza Bansho).

Registration for Monju site tour
On-site registration for Monju site tour is NOT available. Please register your participation in advance with the registration form and FNVP by November 30.

To download the forms, click here for Registration Form (PDF/WORD) or click here for JAEA Foreign National Visit Proposal Form (PDF/WORD).

  Registration Form (PDF/558KB)

  Registration Form (WORD/44KB)

  JAEA Foreign National Visit Proposal Form (PDF/528KB)

  JAEA Foreign National Visit Proposal Form (WORD/176KB)


TEL: +81 770 21 5060
FAX: +81 770 21 5090