HOME > News & Information > Recruitment > Recruitment for Special Topic Researcher (Researcher, Fixed Term Position) Center for Computational Science and e-Systems
Number of employees
Researcher: 1 person
Recruitment field
Research Theme:Development of Exa-scale plasma turbulence simulation technologies
We call for a Special Topic Researcher who develops simulation technologies for extreme scale plasma turbulence simulations on the supercomputer Fugaku. The research topics are ranging from computer science to plasma physics related to state-of-the-art gyrokinetic codes, and the successful candidate is expected to work on topics such as code optimization on Fugaku, verification studies with respect to turbulent and collisional transport phenomena, and validation studies against experimental data.
(This subject is organized under the Program for Promoting Researches on the Supercomputer Fugaku "Exploration of Burning Plasma Confinement Physics" funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT). )
Research Division of assignment (tentative)
Center for Computational Science and e-Systems,
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Place of employment (tentative)
Center for Computational Science and e-Systems,
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Wakashiba 178-4-4, Kashiwa-shi, Chiba-ken, 277-0871,JAPAN
Qualification requirements
(1) Having a Ph.D. degree
(2) Work experience on plasma simulations using supercomputers is desirable.
Terms of employment
(1) Salary: Approximately JPY400,000 per month (including social insurance fee and tax)
(2) Allowance: Commuting and housing allowance are paid according to each employee.
(3) Working Hours: 9:00 am - 5:30 pm (Overtime work may be imposed.)
(4) Rest period: 12:00 am - 1:00 pm
(5) Holiday: Weekend (Saturday and Sunday), national holidays, New Year’s holidays, paid holidays and special leave etc.
(6) Social insurance: Health insurance, welfare pension insurance, corporate pension fund, employment insurance, workers accident compensation insurance.
(7) Welfare: Institute family resident and dormitory are available.
(8) Trial period: 6 months.
Necessary documents
(1) Application Form for Special Topic Researcher
Form 1: Application form
Form 2: Purpose of Research
Form 3: Reasons for applying for this position
Form 4: Results of Research
Form 5: List of publications
(2) Transcripts (for bachelor)
(3) A copy of PhD diploma (for PhD holder) or Certification for expected completion of PhD course
(4) One or two letter(s) of recommendation written by senior researcher who well knows your research and personality.
* Including one from the current supervisor is better.
* Letter(s) written by a JAEA employee will not be accepted.
* Submit by any of the following way;
1. By mail from applicant after recommender signed and sealed.
Copy or opened one is not accepted.
2. By mail from recommender to JAEA directly (see Article 9. Address of submission of application).
3. By Email from recommender to JAEA directly (see Article 9. Address of submission of application).
Attach the signed letter in PDF format.
(5) Copies of major papers
For application form〔PDF, WORD〕
For application form in English〔PDF, WORD〕
(6) Consent for the treatment of personal data *(PDF, WORD)
* Residents in any one of EEA member countries, namely a member of the EU, and Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway, are requested to submit this form.
Deadline for submission of application
Open until the position is filled.
Address of submission of application
Policy Planning Office for Information Systems,
Center for Computational Science and e-Systems,
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Wakashiba 178-4-4, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-0871, JAPAN
(Please, mark "Application Form for Special Topic Researcher" in red on the envelope.)
[ Address for submission of recommendation letter ]
Policy Planning Office for Information Systems,
Center for Computational Science and e-Systems,
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Wakashiba 178-4-4, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-0871, JAPAN
(Write applicant’s name on the envelope.)
E-mail: jinji-saiyo[at]jaea.go.jp (Replace [at] with @ )
(Write applicant’s name in subject.)
*Only letter of recommendation will be accepted by Email.
Document examination
Examinees will be decided based on a review of the application documents. The result of the review will be notified to the applicant by email written in submitted application. Also, please be noted that collected application documents will not be returned to the applicants.
Recruitment examination
Oral presentation using PowerPoint or PDF with PC, and Q&A on your research achievements
Date of recruitment examination (planned)
Approximately one month after document screening.
Place for Recruitment examination (planned)
Center for Computational Science and e-systems,
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
(Wakashiba 178-4-4, Kashiwa-shi, Chiba-ken, 277-0871,JAPAN)
Result of recruitment examination
The result will be notified to the applicants by official letter after the recruitment examination
Contract term (planned)
The contract term is up to March 31, 2021. (The contract term can be extended up to March 31, 2023 upon annual review of research achievements and upon the funding of the project.)
Travel expenses
Travel expenses actually incurred within Japan for the recruitment examination will be reimbursed in accordance with JAEA travel allowance regulations. Detailed information will be provided to the candidates
Contact & inquires
Mrs. Sekita Junko
Mrs. SEKITA Junko
Policy Planning Office for Information Systems,
Center for Computational Science and e-Systems,
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Wakashiba 178-4-4, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-0871, JAPAN
TEL: +81-4-7135-2350 FAX: +81-4-7135-2382
E-Mail: jinji-saiyo@jaea.go.jp (Replace [at] with @ )
(Reference related to the recruitment field)
IDOMURA Yasuhiro, Ph. D.
Computer Science Research and Development Office,
Center for Computational Science and e-Systems,
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Wakashiba 178-4-4, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-0871, JAPAN
TEL: +81-70-1470-5237 FAX: +81-4-7135-2382
E-Mail: jinji-saiyo@jaea.go.jp (Replace [at] with @ )
Points to note for the successful applicant
(1) The successful applicant is supposed to submit medical certificate taken within 6 months (including height, weight, eyesight, urinalysis, chest X-ray).
(2) The successful applicant who is not a holder of Japanese Nationality, is required to have the certificate of eligibility by the date of adoption in order to obtain a work permit in Japan.
Treatment of personal information
Submitted personal information will be used for recruitment only. Personal information of prospective employee will be used for employment control. Other personal information will be scrapped 1 year after submission.