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Recruitment for Postdoctoral Fellow
(Fixed-term researcher)

  1. Physics Chemistry Mathematics Geo and Environemtal Sciences Biology Radiation
    Mechanics Material Electricity and Electronics Architectural and Civil Engineering Applied Physics Applied Chemistry
    Chemical Engineering Measurements and Instruments Computer and Information Nuclear Nonproliferation and
    Nuclear Security
    Other All
  2. No Theme
    Department Section Location Contact Person Radiation Worker/
    Non-Radiation Worker
    (for reference)
    J5Study on the methodology of estimation of property changes in radioactive waste disposal system due to natural events
    Nuclear Safety Research CenterEnvironmental Safety Research GroupNuclear Science Research InstituteSeiji Takeda
    Tel: +81-29-282-6170
    E-mail: takeda.seiji@jaea.go.jp
    Non-Radiation WorkerPhysics,
    Geo and Environemtal Sciences,
    Computer and Information,
    Architectural and Civil Engineering,
    Measurements and Instruments
    In the safety assessment for a geological disposal of radioactive wastes, it is important to estimate the effect of property changes in radioactive waste disposal system resulting from the occurrence of natural events such as volcanic and magmatic activity, seismic activity, uplifts and denudation etc.. In this study, the methodologies for estimating the possibility of the occurrence and the effect of topographical, hydrological/hydrogeological, physical and geochemical response to geological and/or climatic factors are developed using previous observation and data characterized by the factors in Japan.
    J9Study on a Level 3 Probabilistic Risk Analysis of nuclear power plants
    Nuclear Safety Research CenterRadiation Risk Analysis Research GroupNuclear Science Research InstituteMasanori Kimura
    Tel: +81-29-282-5459
    E-mail: kimura.masanori@jaea.go.jp
    Non-Radiation WorkerPhysics,
    Geo and Environemtal Sciences,
    Architectural and Civil Engineering,
    Computer and Information
    A level 3 probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) is an offsite consequence analysis for a severe accident and estimates the frequency and severity of the consequences to the public. Probabilistic accident consequence assessment models and computer codes are an integral part of level 3 PRA of nuclear power plants. Our research group has developed a level 3 PRA code, OSCAAR. In this theme, researches on the probabilistic accident consequence assessment for health effects and economic consequence are conducted considering site-dependent on metrological, population, agricultural and economic data by using OSCAAR.
    J11Study on the methodology of the structural integrity assessment for nuclear reactor components
    Nuclear Safety Research CenterStructural Integrity Research GroupNuclear Science Research InstituteYinsheng Li
    Tel: +81-29-282-6457
    E-mail: li.yinsheng@jaea.go.jp
    Non-Radiation WorkerMechanics,
    Architectural and Civil Engineering,
    Applied Physics,
    Measurements and Instruments,
    Computer and Information
    Due to the long term operation of some domestic nuclear power plants and occurrence of the earthquakes beyond the designed seismic ground motion, developing the methodologies of structural integrity assessments for the reactor components concerning seismic loading, impact loading and age related degradation mechanisms such as neutron irradiation embrittlement, stress corrosion cracking and so on is of great importance. In this theme, one of the following related researches will be conducted.
    - Advanced structural integrity assessment research for important nuclear components, such as failure estimation, crack propagation or weld residual stress evaluation, on the basis of numerical simulation, material testing, and fracture testing and so on
    - Advanced seismic safety and impact assessment research including development of three-dimensional evaluation models of nuclear facility buildings, components and piping systems, and numerical simulation considering nonlinear mechanical properties.
    J38Study on methodogies for modelling and analysis of geological environment
    Horonobe Underground Research CenterSedimentary Environment Research GroupHoronobe Underground Research CenterToshinori SATO
    Tel: +81-1632-5-2022
    E-mail: sato.toshinori@jaea.go.jp
    Non-Radiation WorkerPhysics,
    Geo and Environemtal Sciences,
    Architectural and Civil Engineering,
    Measurements and Instruments
    The Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory (URL) Project is being pursued to enhance the reliability of relevant disposal technologies through investigations of the deep geological environment within the host sedimentary formations at Horonobe, northern Hokkaido. The project consists of two major research areas, geoscientific research and R&D on geological disposal. One of theses, study on methodogies for modelling and analysis of geological environment, such as, geology, groundwater flow, geochemistry for long period have been performed. Modelling study for excavation disturbed zone and permeability of faults based on the results of in-situ and laboratory test also have been developed.
    J39Research and development for modeling of hydrogeological heterogeneity of fractured crystalline rock
    Tono Geoscience CentorCrystalline Environment Research GroupTono Geoscience CentorHironori Onoe
    Tel: +81-572-66-2244
    E-mail: onoe.hironori@jaea.go.jp
    Non-Radiation WorkerGeo and Environemtal Sciences,
    Architectural and Civil Engineering,
    Computer and Information
    It is important to understand hydraulic heterogeneities influenced by presence of water conducting fractures and faults in fractured crystalline rock from the viewpoints of the sagety assessment og geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste. One of the research task is to establish comprehensive technigues for investigation, analysis and assessment of hydraulic heterogeneities in in fractured crystalline rock.
    Threfore, research and development for modeling method of hydrogeological heterogeneities of rock mass around the research gallery is located at several hundred meters depth will be carried out using the result of in-situ investigation and monitoring in the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory at the Tono area, Central Japan.
    J40Research and development for hydrogeological investigation of fractured crystalline rock
    Tono Geoscience CentorCrystalline Environment Research GroupTono Geoscience CentorRyuji Takeuchi
    Tel: +81-572-66-2244
    E-mail: takeuchi.ryuji@jaea.go.jp
    Non-Radiation WorkerGeo and Environemtal Sciences,
    Architectural and Civil Engineering
    It is important to understand hydraulic heterogeneities influenced by presence of water conducting fractures and faults in fractured crystalline rock from the viewpoints of the sagety assessment og geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste. One of the research task is to establish comprehensive technigues for investigation, analysis and assessment of hydraulic heterogeneities in in fractured crystalline rock.
    Threfore, research and development for hydrogeological investigation method of fractured crystalline rock will be carried out using the result of in-situ investigation and monitoring in the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory Project and Regional Hydrogeological Study at the Tono area, Central Japan.