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Recruitment for Postdoctoral Fellow
(Fixed-term researcher)

  1. Physics Chemistry Mathematics Geo and Environemtal Sciences Biology Radiation
    Mechanics Material Electricity and Electronics Architectural and Civil Engineering Applied Physics Applied Chemistry
    Chemical Engineering Measurements and Instruments Computer and Information Nuclear Nonproliferation and
    Nuclear Security
    Other All
  2. No Theme
    Department Section Location Contact Person Radiation Worker/
    Non-Radiation Worker
    (for reference)
    J3Experimental and analytical studies on the fuel behavior under accident conditions of light-water-reactor
    Nuclear Safety Research CenterFuel Safety Research GroupNuclear Science Research InstituteMasaki Amaya
    Tel: +81-29-282-5028
    E-mail: amaya.masaki@jaea.go.jp
    Non-Radiation WorkerMechanics,
    Electricity and Electronics,
    Measurements and Instruments,
    Computer and Information,
    The objective of this study is to develop and/or improve models concerning fuel behavior under reactivity-initiated accidents (RIAs), loss-of-coolant accidents (LOCAs), etc. by conducting experiments on light-water-reactor fuel and/or analyses using calculation codes etc. The following or related studies will be carried out.
    ・Model development and evaluation by using calculation codes etc., concerning effects of the deformation of fuel cladding tube and axial relocation of fuel pellets inside the fuel rod on the fuel temperature during LOCAs.
    ・Analysis and model improvement in terms of fuel dispersal behavior following failures of fuel cladding tube during accidents by using calculation codes etc.
    J4Study on material degradation and integrity evaluation of nuclear reactor components
    Nuclear Safety Research CenterMaterials and Water Chemistry Research GroupNuclear Science Research InstituteSatoshi Hanawa
    Tel: +81-29-282-5044
    E-mail: hanawa.satoshi@jaea.go.jp
    Radiation WorkerMechanics,
    Measurements and Instruments
    Integrity of nuclear reactor components such as reactor pressure vessel (RPV) for long-term operation should be confirmed by the latest scientific knowledge. In order to enhance the knowledge for evaluating the structural integrity of the components, effect of environmental conditions such as neutron irradiation, high temperature-high pressure coolant on material degradation is investigated by micro-structural analysis and mechanical testing. Not only from the viewpoint of material degradation mentioned above, but the approach by fracture mechanics is also performed.
    J8Experimental Research on Safety Assessment of Storage and Disposal of Radioactive Waste
    Nuclear Safety Research CenterWaste Safety Research GroupNuclear Science Research InstituteToshikatsu Maeda
    Tel: +81-29-282-6001
    E-mail: maeda.toshikatsu@jaea.go.jp
    Radiation WorkerChemistry,
    Geo and Environemtal Sciences,
    Safety assessments of storage and disposal of radioactive wastes require quantitative analysis of long-term alteration of barrier materials used in storage and disposal systems. This study investigates long-term alteration behavior such as corrosion, dissolution redox reactions and colloid formation associated with glass, metals, clays, concretes and polyethlene focusing on primary factors such as adjacent barrier materials, groundwater composition, geology, microbes and radiolysis. The goal is to obtain scientific basis for models evaluating changes in the barrier functions and for systematical establishment of datasets. Methods for chemical analysis of radioactive wastes themselves are also investigated.
    J11Study on the methodology of the structural integrity assessment for nuclear reactor components
    Nuclear Safety Research CenterStructural Integrity Research GroupNuclear Science Research InstituteYinsheng Li
    Tel: +81-29-282-6457
    E-mail: li.yinsheng@jaea.go.jp
    Non-Radiation WorkerMechanics,
    Architectural and Civil Engineering,
    Applied Physics,
    Measurements and Instruments,
    Computer and Information
    Due to the long term operation of some domestic nuclear power plants and occurrence of the earthquakes beyond the designed seismic ground motion, developing the methodologies of structural integrity assessments for the reactor components concerning seismic loading, impact loading and age related degradation mechanisms such as neutron irradiation embrittlement, stress corrosion cracking and so on is of great importance. In this theme, one of the following related researches will be conducted.
    - Advanced structural integrity assessment research for important nuclear components, such as failure estimation, crack propagation or weld residual stress evaluation, on the basis of numerical simulation, material testing, and fracture testing and so on
    - Advanced seismic safety and impact assessment research including development of three-dimensional evaluation models of nuclear facility buildings, components and piping systems, and numerical simulation considering nonlinear mechanical properties.
    J16Materials physics in heavy element systems
    Advanced Science Research CenterResearch group for Materials physics for heavy element systemsNuclear Science Research InstituteShinsaku KAMBE
    Tel: +81-29-284-3525
    E-mail: kambe.shinsaku@jaea.go.jp
    Non-Radiation WorkerPhysics,
    Applied Physics,
    New electronic states in heavy element systems are investigated experimentally and theoretically. Especially magnetic and superconducting properties at low temperatures in bulk and thin film samples are focused.
    J19Interdisciplinary study on emergent properties of nanoscale structures by using advanced beams
    Advanced Science Research CenterResearch Group for Nanoscale Structure and Function of Advanced MaterialsNuclear Science Research InstituteShin-ichi Shamoto
    Tel: +81-29-284-3521
    E-mail: shamoto.shinichi@jaea.go.jp
    Radiation WorkerPhysics,
    Applied Physics,
    Applied Chemistry,
    Measurements and Instruments
    Structures and physical properties of materials from single-layer to bulk will be studied by using the advanced beams (neutron, positron and muon) produced at accelerator and reactor based facilities such as J-PARC. Those experiences are not required but high motivation for the researches are preferred.
    J20 Study on Advanced Nuclear Materials by Nanostructure Control
    Advanced Science Research CenterResearch Group for Nanoscale Structure and Function of Advanced MaterialsNuclear Science Research InstituteSatoshi Yasuda
    Tel: +81-29-284-3504
    E-mail: yasuda.satoshi@jaea.go.jp
    Radiation WorkerMaterial,
    Applied Physics,
    Applied Chemistry,
    Electricity and Electronics
    Studies on nano-fabrication and characterization will be performed for novel multi-functionalized materials. Molecular beam epitaxial (MBE), scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and electrochemical methods will be used for the research (e.g. elucidation of surface reaction and structures of surface oxygen sensor in liquid metal for partitioning and transmutation technology).
    J24Fission product behavior in the Primary Containment Vessel of Light Water Reactor
    Nuclear Science and Engineering CenterDevelopment Group for LWR Advanced TechnologyNuclear Science Research InstituteMasahiko Osaka
    Tel: +81-29-282-5922
    E-mail: ohsaka.masahiko@jaea.go.jp
    Radiation WorkerChemistry,
    Chemical Engineering,
    Measurements and Instruments
    Fission product (FP) behavior in the Primary Containment Vessel (PCV) of Light Water Reactor (LWR) should be known for the estimation of FP amounts released into environment (source term estimation) in the case of severe accident. Simulant FP aerosol behavior is directly viewed and deposited aerosol is characterized by experiments in a small-sized model PCV. Results are analyzed by thermal-hydraulic and chemical analysis codes to interpret the aerosol behavior in PCV. Complementary experiment/analysis on the FP aerosol formation and deposit revaporization/resuspention behaviors would be conducted, for the comprehensive understanding of FP behavior in the PCV under various conditions of such as hydraulics, moisture content, surface status and so on. The research is conducted in collaboration with researchers in the group.
    J26Computational materials science for nuclear reactor structural materials
    Nuclear Science and Engineering CenterResearch Group for Radiation Materials EngineeringNuclear Science Research InstituteTomohito Tsuru
    Tel: +81-29-282-5198
    E-mail: tsuru.tomohito@jaea.go.jp
    Non-Radiation WorkerMechanics,
    The purpose of this study is to develop a computational approach for deformation and fracture process and explore fundamental mechnism of microscopic defect mechanics of structural materials. We look for PhD holder or candidate who is experienced in mechanics/thermodynamics calculations based on both ab-initio and molecular dynamics simulations for the deformation and fracture mechanics of structural materials.
    J28Electronic structure research of actinide and the related materials with synchrotron radiation X-ray spectroscopy
    Materials Sciences Research CenterElectronic Structure Research GroupEnergy and Environment Materials Science DivisionHiroshi Yamagami
    Tel: +81-791-58-2607
    E-mail: yamagami@cc.kyoto-su.ac.jp
    Radiation WorkerPhysics,
    Applied Physics,
    Measurements and Instruments
    Our group is carrying out a research on electronic structure by synchotron radiation X-ray spectroscopies (soft x-ray angular-resolved photoemission, soft x-ray magnetic circular dichroism, and hard x-ray photoemission) at SPring-8 in order to elucidate a mechanism holding physical properties of actinides and the related materials including uranium compounds. Furthermore, we are engaged on Fukushima environmental recovery research and reactor decommissioning research. For going ahead with the above-mentioned research, our group will hope a researcher who can take part in a technical development on x-ray spectroscopy at beam lines of synchrotron radiation facility.
    J30In situ studies of metallic materials using time-of-flight neutron diffraction
    J-PARC CenterMaterials and Life Science Directorate Neutron Science SectionJ-PARC CenterStefanus Harjo
    Tel: +81-29-284-3266
    E-mail: stefanus.harjo@j-parc.jp
    Radiation WorkerMaterial,
    Applied Physics,
    Measurements and Instruments
    A high-resolution & high-intensity time-of-flight neutron diffractometer (TAKUMI) was constructed and now is operated for researches on various engineering materials at the Material & Life Science Experimental Facility of J-PARC. In this theme, the following studies using TAKUMI for the advanced steels and advanced light metals are planned. (1) The relationship between the microstructure evolution during deformation and the mechanical & functional properties, (2) the relationship between microstructural evolution during thermo-mechanical treatment and the mechanical properties, and (3) development of in situ hybrid neutron diffraction measurement technique (concurrent measurements of digital image correlation method and infrared thermography) for various deformation tests. Supporting researches at TAKUMI are also required.
    J34Development of a He-3 neutron spin filter and promotion of research using pulsed polarized neutrons.
    J-PARC CenterTechnology Development SectionJ-PARC CenterTakayuki Oku
    Tel: +81-29-284-3196
    E-mail: takayuki.oku@j-parc.jp
    Radiation WorkerPhysics,
    Applied Physics,
    Measurements and Instruments
    At J-PARC MLF, a He-3 neutron spin filter (NSF) based on spin-exchange optical pumping method has been developed for the efficient utilization of pulsed neutrons. The employee will improve the He-3 NSF performance and adapt it to various kinds of experiments at J-PARC MLF. The employee will also develop sample environment which is optimized for use of the He-3 NSF, and will promote research using pulsed polarized neutrons.
    J35Research on advanced nuclear characterization method of accelerator driven transmutation system using J-PARC facility
    J-PARC CenterFacility and Application Development SectionJ-PARC CenterShin-ichiro Meigo
    Tel: +81-29-284-3207
    E-mail: meigo.shinichiro@jaea.go.jp
    Radiation WorkerPhysics,
    For R&D to reduce of long-life radioactive waste with an accelerator-driven system (ADS), "ADS target test facility" is planned to be built as a part of nuclear transformation experiment facility (TEF) in J-PARC, which utilize spallation neutron produced at a lead-bismuth target irradiated with a 400-MeV proton beam. In this theme, basic nuclear data such as hydrogen and helium generation and DPA cross-sections will be measured by using J-PARC accelerator. The obtained data will be compared with model calculation such as a nucleon and meson transport calculation code (PHITS) to improve the nuclear reaction model, which is aimed to contribute to the optimization of the neutronics of the ADS.
    R&D on the partitioning and transmutation technology: http://snsr.jaea.go.jp/en/topics/pt.html"
    J37Study of aging deterioration mechanism and preservation technology by using the material of Fugen NPP
    Fugen Decomissionning Engineering CenterPlant Material Examination SectionTsuruga headquartersYoshiaki Katano
    Tel: +81-770-26-1221
    E-mail: katano.yoshiaki@jaea.go.jp
    Radiation WorkerMaterial,
    Measurements and Instruments,
    Chemical Engineering,
    Computer and Information
    The operation period of a nuclear power plant is limited to 40 years by law in Japan. The Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) can extend the period by 20 years more when the plant passed the review of the NRA. By using the real used material of the “Fugen” NPP after 25 years operation, the research of the deterioration and preservation mechanism is carried out for the long-term integrity of nuclear facilities. The main study programs are aging mechanism related to embrittlement by corrosion, thermal and radiation characteristics, by using data obtained from the three-dimensional atom probe (3DAP), the electron beam backscattering diffraction (EBSD) and focused ion beam scanning electron microscope (FIB-SEM) in the laboratory of the Fugen site. Moreover, the study of mechanism theory is implemented by simulation technology of the microscopic stress analysis by ABAQUS and phase field method. In this way, it will contribute to the long-term integrity of the nuclear power plant, by investigating the aging deterioration mechanism and improving the preservation technology.
    F1Research on evaluation of middle and long term soundness for nuclear industry materials in radiation environment
    Collaborative Laboratories for Advanced Decommissioning Science (CLADS)Strage Equipment Soundness Evaluatuon GroupNuclear Science Reserch InstituteTakafumi Motooka
    Tel: +81-29-282-5950
    E-mail: motoka.takafumi@jaea.go.jp
    Radiation WorkerMechanics,
    Chemical Engineering,
    Applied Chemistry,
    Reasearch on evaluation of meddle and long term soundness for nuclear industry materials in radiation environment will be conducted. Especifically, basic data on corrosion behavior was obtained by immersion test, electrochemical tests and so on under a wide range of environmental conditions taking into consideration the environment in Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station (1F) where high radiation field was expected. We will elucify corrosion phenomena which can occur during the decommissioning of 1F.
    F2Studies on Radiolysis and Radiation Damege for Advanced Safety Control of Hydrogen (H2) in Nuclear Engineering
    Collaborative Laboratories for Advanced Decommissioning Science (CLADS)Strage Equipment Soundness Evaluatuon GroupNuclear Science Reserch InstituteRyuji Nagaishi
    Tel: +81-29-282-5493
    E-mail: nagaishi.ryuji@jaea.go.jp
    Radiation WorkerRadiation,
    To realize advanced safety control of H2 generated in severe accidents in nuclear facilities, subsequent decommissioning and waste management, radiolysis of aqueous solution systems and radiation damage of materials such as adsorbents, catalysis and debris will be studied experimentally and analytically. Then their data will be applied to construction of analysis code for the H2 behavior, and to development of technologies for the reduction and prevention of accidents originated from the H2 generation.
    F3Research on radioactive material recovery and immobilization technology of radioactive waste
    Collaborative Laboratories for Advanced Decommissioning Science (CLADS)Waste Treatment Technology Development GroupNuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering LaboratoriesYoshikazu Koma
    Tel: +81-29-282-1133 (60661)
    E-mail: koma.yoshikazu@jaea.go.jp
    Non-Radiation WorkerGeo and Environemtal Sciences,
    Applied Chemistry,
    It is important to develop volume reduction and safety storage for a large amount of solid waste generated from the accident of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. Removal and recovery technology of radioactive material from the solid waste using subcritical water washing, volume reduction and immobilization technology of recovered material by inorganic solids like a functional glass are developed in this research.
    F4Mid- and Long-term stability of Fuel Debris
    Collaborative Laboratories for Advanced Decommissioning Science (CLADS)Fuel Debris Environmental Behavior Analysis GroupNuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering LaboratoriesTadahiro Washiya
    Tel: +81-29-282-1133(66003)
    E-mail: washiya.tadahiro@jaea.go.jp
    Radiation WorkerChemistry,
    Researcher will clarify the state of Pu in dominant phases of fuel debris and investigate chemical state of Pu such as the valent and solubilities of Pu in each phase and consider the possibility of Pu doposition in fuel debris
    F6Research and development of treatment method for radioactive wastes generated at the contaminated water treatment facility in Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant
    Advanced Science Research CenterResearch Group for Interfacial Reaction Field ChemistryNuclear Science Research InstituteNaofumi Kozai
    Tel: +81-29-282-6031
    E-mail: kozai.naofumi@jaea.go.jp
    Radiation WorkerChemistry,
    Geo and Environemtal Sciences,
    Applied Chemistry
    At Fukushima Daiichi, radionuclides in the contaminated water have been removed according to thier physicochemical forms. Posttreatment method for disposal of those radionuclides collected by various materials has yet to be decided. This study aims to develop effective posttreatment methods for mainly long-life anionic radionuclides for which few effective treatment methods for geological disposal are known. The posttreatment methods for them include selective sepatarion (accumulation), conversion to stable inorganic form, and subsequent solidification.
    F9Research on cesium removal from contaminated soils and selective formation of the product by heat treatment
    Materials Sciences Research CenterAnalytical Sciences Development Research GroupNuclear Science Research InstituteMitsunori Honda
    Tel: +81-29-284-3928
    E-mail: honda.mitsunori@jaea.go.jp
    Radiation WorkerGeo and Environemtal Sciences,
    Decontamination of a large quantity of radioactive cesium (Cs) released with The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident is an urgent problem that should be solved. However, the decontamination method of the radioactive contamination soil is not established yet. We study Cs desorption mechanism of clay minerals to develop Cs-free mineralization for volume reduction and reuse of the treated soil in Fukushima. Weathered biotite (WB) is adopted as a model soil to sorb non-radioactive Cs. WB is heated with some alkaline salt reagents in ambient atmosphere or low-pressure conditions and the products formed after the heating treatment are analyzed using X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence and X-ray absorption spectroscopy techniques. We focus on the dependences of reagents and pressure on Cs desorption ratio and structural change of WB.