News releases

Principle of photodisintegration nucleosynthesis in supernova explosion

Sep. 1, 2006

JAEA (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) [President Yuichi Tonozuka], National Astronomical Observatory [President Masami Miyama], The university of Tokyo [President Hiroshi Komiyama] have presented a mechanism that photodisintegration nucleosynthesis in individual supernovae are universal, which dose not depend on stellar physical conditions. About 99% of atomic nuclei heavier than the iron group are synthesized by neutron capture reaction processes before the solar system formation. However, a piece of evidence that twenty-seven neutron-deficient isotopes are synthesized by the photodisintegration reactions in the supernovae has been found in the solar abundances by this research group at 2004.

The stellar conditions, for example mass, metallicity or explosion energy, are different and thus the mass distributions of nuclei synthesized in individual stars are also different. However, the research group has found a new concept of the universality. The relationship that the abundances of the nuclei produced by the photodisintegration reactions are proportional to those of the seed nuclei holds for individual supernova nucleosynthesis. The mechanism of the universality was presented in supernova model calculations. To verify this universality, an astronomical observation of indium with isotope separation was proposed.

Although the astrophysical origin of these twenty-seven nuclei has been an open question from 1950's, the origin has been presented in the discovery of the evidence and theoretical calculations. This result has been published in the astrophysical journal at 1st Sep. 2006.

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