News releases

Development of software for calculating atmospheric cosmic-ray neutron spectra
- An improvement in the accuracy of aircrew dose estimation -

Sep. 28, 2006

Tatsuhiko Sato et al. of JAEA (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) [President Yuichi Tonozuka] have established a simulation model for cosmic-ray propagation in the atmosphere, and succeeded in reproducing experimental data of atmospheric cosmic-ray neutron spectra for various locations. Analyzing the simulation results comprehensively, they have proposed analytical functions that can predict the cosmic-ray neutron spectra for any locations in the atmosphere. Based on the analytical functions, they have developed EXcel-based Program for calculating Atmospheric Cosmic-ray Spectra (EXPACS), and opened the software for public from the web site linked below.

EXPACS enables us to precisely estimate the exposure doses for aircrews, where radiation protection for them against the atmospheric cosmic-ray was one of the most intensively discussed dosimetric issues in the last decade. EXPACS can also contribute to the improvement in the calculation precision of the soft-error rates of semi-conductor devices caused by cosmic-ray neutron at the ground level.

This result has been published in Radiation Research 166, 544-555 (2006). A more detailed description of EXPACS, as well as its user’s manual is provided in its web site.

Web site of EXPACS

•Development of software for calculating atmospheric cosmic-ray neutron spectra

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