Home>Reprocessing Technology Development

Reprocessing Technology Development

Japan Atomic Energy Agency

Tokai research and development center
Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories

4-33, Muramatsu, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki,
Japan 319-1194

JAEA's center of activity


  Reprocessing Technology Development

Spent fuel which has been used at a nuclear power plant contains residual uranium, newly produced plutonium, and high-level radioactive waste.
At the Tokai Reprocessing Plant, reprocessing technology has been developed to separate uranium and plutonium from spent fuel and to recover them for the purpose of making the efficient use of available uranium resources.
The recovered uranium and plutonium can be reused as new fuel, therefore, the reprocessing plays a key role in the nuclear fuel cycle.
The Tokai Reprocessing Plant had reprocessed about 88t of ATR(Fugen) spent fuel, about 644t of BWR(s), about 376t of PWR(s) and about 9t of JPDR(s), which amount to about 1,052t of spent fuel reprocessed at the end of March 2006.

  ▼Tokai Reprocessing Plant(TRP)
Tokai Reprocessing Plant(TRP)
  ▼Flow of LWR Spent Fuel Reprocessing
Flow of LWR Spent Fuel Reprocessing
  ▼Future role of the Tokai Reprocessing Plant

STRP will provide comprehensive assistance to the private sector, and will continue research and development toward the advancement of reprocessing technology, carrying out the reprocessing of high burn-up fuel and Fugen fuel.

Comprehensive assistance to the Rokkasyo Reprocessing Plant, and future
Comprehensive assistance to the Rokkasyo Reprocessing Plant, and future
Toward more transparency Energy and Environment Outline of Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Research Institute MOX Fuel Technology Development Treatment and Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Liquid Waste Research & Development of MOX Fuel Cycle Technologies Radiological Safety safety and reassurance Outline of Tokai-mura Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Research Institute go to Japanese site Japan Atomic Energy Agency