Monju Databases for Future Fast Reactors image

Monju Databases for Future Fast Reactors

Tsurusoken develops the following databases of the various knowledge obtained in Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor Monju (Monju) for future fast reactors.

Knowledge database

We collect and organize the knowledge acquired in the development of Monju and to be acquired in the decommissioning of Monju.

Validation database

We collect, evaluate, and compile the data obtained in Monju performance tests for validation of fast reactor design tools.

For future fast reactors image

Development of the Knowledge Database

We develop the database covering the overall technical achievements and knowledge obtained at each stage of the development of Monju; design, construction, trial operation, and maintenance. The knowledge in the decommissioning work in future will be also included.

Monju technical achievement report

We collected technical information including the knowledge and experience of engineers involved in the development of Monju and compiled it as “Monju Knowledge Base” (3 volumes).

We published a report "Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor MONJU -Its History and Achievements– (JAEA-Technology 2019-020)", focusing on the technical information unique to the Monju.

to ‘Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor Monju -Its History and Achievements- (JAEA-Technology 2019-020)’

Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor Monju

-Its History and Achievements-

(JAEA-Technology 2019-020)

Knowledge obtained through operation and maintenance experience

We classify and organize the knowledge obtained through operation and maintenance experience in Monju. We classify the knowledge into major categories specific to a fast reactor design. Supplementary explanations are given important items for easy understanding.

Component Reliability Database for an LMFBR (CORDS) image

Component Reliability Database for an LMFBR (CORDS)

New knowledge that will be obtained in the decommissioning

We collect knowledge that will be obtained in the decommissioning of Monju.

  • Collecting data during fuel unloading work
  • Collecting data from fuel handling and storage work
  • Testing and performance confirmation with the actual machine dismantled and removed

About the Validation Database

We collect data of various tests in performed Monju such as critical test data up to 40% rated power. We evaluate the reliability and usefulness of the data by thorough uncertainty analysis, and compile it as the validation database for future fast reactor design tools.

About the Validation Database image