





全項共通(国内・国外)/人工バリア等の信頼性向上に関する研究(国内・国外)/安全評価手法の高度化に関する研究(国内国外)/地質環境特性調査・評価手法に関する研究(国内国外)/地質環境の長期的安定性に関する研究(国内国外) /使用済燃料直接処分に関する研究(国内・国外)


著者 タイトル(クリックで要旨) 投稿、発表先 発表年



日本リスク研究学会誌(インターネット) Vol.31 No.3 pp.235-247 2022

オールジャパンでとりくむ地層処分のいま 第4回 処分場の設計と工学技術(その2)


日本原子力学会誌 Vol.64 No.3 pp.163-167 2022

オールジャパンでとりくむ地層処分のいま 第3回 処分場の設計と工学技術(その1)


日本原子力学会誌 Vol.64 No.2 pp.105-109 2022

オールジャパンでとりくむ地層処分のいま 第2回 地層処分に関する地質環境評価技術


日本原子力学会誌 Vol.64 No.1 pp.46-50 2022



原子力バックエンド研究 Vol.28 No.2 pp.18-25 2021



日本技術士会岐阜支部会報 (インターネット) No.VI-7 (7pages) 2021



原子力バックエンド研究 Vol.28 No.1 pp.5-7 2021



著者 タイトル(クリックで要旨) 発表先 発表年
Walker, C.



NIMS微細構造解析プラットフォーム利用報告書(Internet) 2021



土木学会論文集 C(地圏工学) Vol.77 No.3 pp.302-313 2021



著者 タイトル(クリックで要旨) 発表先 発表年
Bateman, K., 村山翔太、花町優次、Wilson, J., 瀬田孝将、天野由記、久保田満、大内祐司、舘幸男

Reaction and alteration of mudstone with cement leachates; Flow experiments and reactive-transport modelling

The construction of a repository for geological disposal of radioactive waste will include the use of cement-based materials. Following closure, groundwater will saturate the repository and the extensive use of cement will result in the development of a highly alkaline porewater, pH > 12.5. This fluid will migrate into and react with the host rock. The chemistry of the fluid will evolve over time, initially high [Na] and [K], evolving to a Ca-rich fluid and finally returning to the groundwater composition. This evolving chemistry will affect the long-term performance of the repository altering the physical and chemical properties, including radionuclide behaviour. Understanding these changes forms the basis for predicting the long-term evolution of the repository. This study focused on the determination of the nature and extent of the chemical reaction; the formation and persistence of secondary mineral phases within an argillaceous mudstone, comparing both data from sequential flow experiments with the results of reactive transport modeling. The reaction of the mudstone with the cement leachates resulted in small changes in pH but the precipitation of calcium aluminium silicate hydrate (C-A-S-H) phases of varying compositions. With the change to the groundwater secondary C-(A-)S-H phases re-dissolved being replaced by secondary carbonates. This general sequence was successfully simulated by the reactive transport model simulations.

Clay Conference 2022; 8th International Conference on Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement 2022



保健物理 Vol.56 No.4 pp.288-305 (インターネット) 2021
Soler, J. M, Kek äläinen, P., Pulkkanen, V.-M., Moreno, L., Iraola, A., Trinchero, P., Hokr, M., říha, J., Havlová, V., Trpkošová, D., Vetešník, A., Reimitz, D., Višňák, J., Vopálka, D., Gvoždík, L., Milický, M., Polák, M., 深津勇太、伊藤剛志、舘男, Svensson, U., Park, D. K., Ji, S.-H., Gylling, B., Lanyon, G. W.

Evaluation report of Task 9C based on comparisons and analyses of modelling results for the ONKALO REPRO-TDE experiment

Task 9C of the SKB Task Force on Modelling of Groundwater Flow and Transport of Solutes (Task Force GWFTS) was the third subtask within Task 9 and focused on (1) predictive and (2) back-analysis modelling of experimental results from the REPRO-TDE in situ diffusion experiment. The test was performed at a depth of about 400 m in the ONKALO underground research facility in Finland. Synthetic groundwater containing radionuclide tracers (HTO, Cl-36, Na-22, Ba-133, Cs-134) was circulated for about four years in a packed-off interval of the so-called injection borehole. Tracer activities were additionally monitored in two observation boreholes arranged as a right-angled triangle and located at about 0.1 m wall-to-wall from the injection borehole. Eleven modelling teams participated in the modelling exercise, using different model concepts and approaches. Three main types of models were applied: (1) An analytical solution to the diffusion-retention equations, (2) continuum-porous-medium-type numerical models, and (3) microstructure-based models. The predictive model calculations were based on laboratory-based information concerning porosities, diffusion coefficients and sorption partition coefficients available in the task description. Microstructural characterisation of rock samples was also available and used by the teams using microstructure-based models.

SKB TR-21-09 2021


デンドリマーを用いた圧縮ベントナイト中のコロイドの拡散・ろ過挙動の評価手法を構築した。サイズが5.7~7.2nmのPAMAMデンドリマーコロイドの拡散・ろ過挙動を、塩濃度0.005~0.5mol/L NaCl溶液で飽和させた乾燥密度0.8Mg/m3のベントナイトを対象に、透過拡散試験によって調査した。得られた破過データと内部プロファイルから、デンドリマーコロイドの実効拡散係数とろ過率を導出した。取得された実効拡散係数は、塩濃度とともに増加する傾向を、ろ過率は逆に塩濃度とともに減少する傾向を確認した。これらの傾向は、先行研究で得られたイオンやコロイドの拡散データと整合するほか、塩濃度の変化に伴う間隙構造や静電的相互作用等から推定される傾向と一致するものであり、ここで構築したコロイドの拡散・ろ過挙動の有効性が確認された。

日本原子力学会和文論文誌 Vol.20 No.1 pp.9-22 2021


著者 タイトル(クリックで要旨) 発表先 発表年
Paul C. M. Francisco, D. Matsumura, R. Kikuchi, T. Ishidera and Y. Tachi

Selenide [Se(−II)] Immobilization in Anoxic, Fe(II)-Rich Environments: Coprecipitation and Behavior during Phase Transformations

The radionuclide selenium-79 (Se-79) is predicted to be a key contributor to the long-term radiologic hazards associated with geological high-level waste (HLW) repositories, hence its release is of pertinent concern in the safety assessment of repositories. In this study, we examined the immobilization mechanisms of Se(-II)-prevalent under anoxic and reducing repository conditions-during interaction with aqueous Fe(II) and freshly precipitated Fe(OH)2 at circumneutral and alkaline conditions, respectively, its response to changes in pH, and its behavior during aging at 90℃. Using microscopic and spectroscopic techniques, we observed that Se(-II) was readily immobilized via iron selenide precipitation regardless of whether Se(-II) reacts with aqueous species or solid phases and that modifying the pH following initial immobilization did not immediately remobilize Se(-II). These observations indicate that Se(-II) migration beyond the overpack can be effectively and rapidly retarded via interaction with Fe(II) species arising from overpack corrosion. Thermodynamic calculations, however, showed that at alkaline conditions, iron selenides immediately became metastable and will likely dissolve in the long term. Aging experiments at 90℃ showed that Se(-II) can be completely retained via the crystallization of ferroselite at circumneutral conditions, while it will be largely remobilized at alkaline conditions. Our results show that Se(-II) mobility can be significantly influenced by its interactions with the corrosion products of the steel overpack and that these behaviors will have to be considered in repository safety assessments.

Environmental Science and Technology Vol.56 No.5 pp.3011-3020 2022
J. M. Soler, P. Kekӓlӓinen, V-M. Pulkkanen, L. Moreno, A. Iraola, P. Trinchero, M. Hokr, J. Říha, V. Havlová, D. Trpkošová, A. Vetešník, D. Reimitz, J. Višňák, D. Vopálka, L. Gvoždík, M. Milický, M. Polák, Y. Fukatsu, T. Ito, Y. Tachi, U. Svensson, D. K. Park, S-H. Ji, B. Gylling and G. W. Lanyon

Evaluation report of Task 9C based on comparisons and analyses of modelling results for the ONKALO REPRO-TDE experiments
Task 9 of SKB Task Force GWFTS – Increasing the realism in solute transport modelling based on the field experiments REPRO and LTDE-SD

Task 9C of the SKB Task Force on Modelling of Groundwater Flow and Transport of Solutes (Task Force GWFTS) was the third subtask within Task 9 and focused on (1) predictive and (2) back-analysis modelling of experimental results from the REPRO-TDE in situ diffusion experiment. The test was performed at a depth of about 400 m in the ONKALO underground research facility in Finland. Synthetic groundwater containing radionuclide tracers (HTO, Cl-36, Na-22, Ba-133, Cs-134) was circulated for about four years in a packed-off interval of the so-called injection borehole. Tracer activities were additionally monitored in two observation boreholes arranged as a right-angled triangle and located at about 0.1 m wall-to-wall from the injection borehole. Eleven modelling teams participated in the modelling exercise, using different model concepts and approaches. Three main types of models were applied: (1) An analytical solution to the diffusion-retention equations, (2)continuum-porous-medium-type numerical models, and (3) microstructure-based models. The predictive model calculations were based on laboratory-based information concerning porosities, diffusion coefficients and sorption partition coefficients available in the task description. Microstructural characterisation of rock samples was also available and used by the teams using microstructure-based models.

SKB TR-21-09 (204pages) 2021
Y. Tachi, T. Ito and B. Gylling

A Scaling Approach for Retention Properties of Crystalline Rock: Case Study of the In-Situ Long-Term Sorption and Diffusion Experiment (LTDE-SD) at the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory in Sweden

本論文では、エスポ岩盤研究所で実施された原位置長期収着・拡散試験(LTDE-SD)のデータセットを用いて、収着及び拡散パラメータを実験室から原位置条件へと条件交換する手法を構築した。亀裂表面と岩石マトリクスの表面近傍の不均質性は、表面近傍での高い間隙率、拡散及び収着特性と、その段階的な変化を仮定した概念モデルによって評価された。非収着性のCl-36と低収着性のNa-22のモデル化結果によって、表面近傍の5mmの擾乱領域における間隙率と拡散係数の変化を考慮した概念モデルの妥当性が確認された。また、これらの陽イオンと陰イオンの拡散係数は、典型的な陽イオン加速と陰イオン排除の傾向を示した。一方で、収着メカニズムの異なる高収着性トレーサー(Cs-137, Ra-226, Ni-63, Np-237)のモデル化結果から、粒径サイズと収着分配係数との相関関係と、その表面近傍の擾乱との関係から条件変換する手法の有効性が確認された。

Water Resources Research Vol.57 No.11 pp.2020WR029335 (20pages) 2021
T. Ishidera

Diffusion of acetic acid, butyric acid, and butanol in compacted montmorillonite

Effective diffusion coefficients (De) of acetic acid, butyric acid, and butanol in compacted montmorillonite were determined by through-diffusion experiments and compared with those of iodide and deuterated water. The difference in De values between acetic acid, butyric acid, and iodide could be attributed to the difference in their self-diffusion coefficient values, while this was not applicable to the De values determined for butanol and deuterated water. This result suggests that the De values of iodide can be converted to those of carboxylic acid and utilized for migration analysis of carbon-14 in the safety assessment of geological disposal.

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry Vol.330 No.1 pp.149-158 2021
K. Bateman, S. Murayama, Y. Hanamachi, J. Wilson, T. Seta, Y. Amano, M. Kubota, Y. Ohuchi and Y. Tachi

Evolution of the Reaction and Alteration of Mudstone with Ordinary Portland Cement Leachates: Sequential Flow Experiments and Reactive-Transport Modelling

The construction of a repository for geological disposal of radioactive waste will include the use of cement-based materials. Following closure, groundwater will saturate the repository and the extensive use of cement will result in the development of a highly alkaline porewater, pH>12.5. This fluid will migrate into and react with the host rock. The chemistry of the fluid will evolve over time, initially high [Na] and [K], evolving to a Ca-rich fluid and finally returning to the groundwater composition. This evolving chemistry will affect the long-term performance of the repository altering the physical and chemical properties, including radionuclide behaviour. Understanding these changes forms the basis for predicting the long-term evolution of the repository. This study focused on the determination of the nature and extent of the chemical reaction; the formation and persistence of secondary mineral phases within an argillaceous mudstone, comparing both data from sequential flow experiments with the results of reactive transport modeling. The reaction of the mudstone with the cement leachates resulted in small changes in pH but the precipitation of calcium aluminium silicate hydrate (C-A-S-H) phases of varying compositions. With the change to the groundwater secondary C-(A-)S-H phases re-dissolved being replaced by secondary carbonates. This general sequence was successfully simulated by the reactive transport model simulations.

Minerals (Internet) Vol.11 No.9 pp.1026_1-1026_23 2021
Y. Fukatsu, K. Yotsuji, T. Ohkubo and Y. Tachi

Diffusion of tritiated water, 137Cs+, and 125I- in compacted Ca-montmorillonite: Experimental and modeling approaches

Mechanistic understanding and predictive modeling of radionuclide diffusion in Na- and Ca-montmorillonite are essential to evaluate the long-term evolution of the bentonite barrier and their impact on radionuclide migration during geological disposal of radioactive wastes. Thus, the diffusion behavior of 137Cs+, 125I-, and tritiated water (HTO) in compacted Ca-montmorillonite was investigated as a function of porewater salinity and dry density via both experiments and models. The effective diffusion coefficient (De) followed in the order of 137Cs+ >HTO > 125I-. The De of 137Cs+ decreased with increasing salinity, whereas the dependence of De of 125I- on salinity was uncertain. The cation excess and anion exclusion effects for Ca-montmorillonite were lower than those for Na-montmorillonite. The integrated sorption and diffusion (ISD) model, assuming the homogeneous pore structure and the electrical double layer (EDL) theory for 2:1 electrolyte (CaCl2), could account for the observed trends for De in Ca-montmorillonite. The lower dependence of De on the porewater salinity in Ca-montmorillonite was caused by the reduction of the EDL thickness for divalent cations (Ca2+) in comparison with that for monovalent cations (Na+). The multipore model could improve the fit for De of 125I- at low salinity due to the reduction of interlayer pore volumes and anion exclusion effect, however, the disparity at higher densities was considerably larger. From these results, cation diffusion for compacted Ca-montmorillonite could be mainly explained by the electrostatic interactions in the homogeneous pore model; in contrast, anion diffusion was sensitive to both electrostatic interactions and heterogeneous pore structures. The proposed ISD model is an effective tool to evaluate the radionuclide diffusion and sorption behavior in both compacted Ca-montmorillonite and Na-montmorillonite.

Applied Clay Science Vol.211 pp.106176_1 - 106176_10 2021
J. M. Solar, S. Meng, L. Moreno, I. Neretnieks, L. Liu, P. Kekäläinen, M. Hokr, J. Říha, A. Vetešník, D. Reimitz, J. Višňák, D. Vopálka, K-P. Kröhn, Y. Tachi, T. Ito, U. Svensson, A. Iraola, P. Trinchero, M. Voutilainen, G. Deissmann, D. Bosbach, D. K. Park, S-H. Ji, L. Gvoždik, M. Milický, M. Polák, N. Makedonska, S. P. Kuluris, S. Karra, H. S. Viswanathan, B. Gylling and G. W. Lanyon

Evaluation report of Task 9B based on comparisons and analyses of modelling results for the Aspo HRL LTDE-SD experiments
Task 9 of SKB Task Force GWFTS – Increasing the realism in solute transport modelling based on the field experiments REPRO and LTDE-SD

亀裂性岩石中の地下水流動と物質移行のモデル化に関するSKBタスクフォースにおけるTask 9Bは、スウェーデンのエスポ岩盤研究所で実施された原位置長期収着・拡散試験(LTDE-SD)の試験結果のモデル化に焦点をあてたものである。10のモデリングチームによって、異なるモデル概念やコードを用いたモデル化が実施された。モデル化のアプローチは、(1)拡散方程式の解析解、(2)連続多孔質媒体中の数値計算モデル、(3)微細な不均質性(鉱物粒界、微細亀裂の分布等)を考慮した微細構造モデルの大きく3種に分類できる。異なるチームによるモデル化結果から、岩石や亀裂の表面の擾乱影響を含む岩石特性の不均質な分布、微細な亀裂の効果など、様々な異なるモデル概念の比較・評価がなされた。

SKB TR-20-17 (71pages) 2021
J. Wilson, K. Bateman and Y. Tachi

The impact of cement on argillaceous rocks in radioactive waste disposal systems: A review focusing on key processes and remaining issues


Applied Geochemistry Vol.130 pp.104979_1-104979_19 2021
A. L. Jaffe, A. D. Thomas, C. He, R. Keren, L. E. Valentin-Alvarado, P. Munk, K. Bouma-Gregson, I. F. Farag, Y. Amano, R. Sachdeva, P. T. West and J. F. Banfield

Patterns of Gene Content and Co-occurrence Constrain the Evolutionary Path toward Animal Association in Candidate Phyla Radiation Bacteria

Candidate Phyla Radiation (CPR) bacteria are small, likely episymbiotic organisms found across Earth's ecosystems. Despite their prevalence, the distribution of CPR lineages across habitats and the genomic signatures of transitions amongst these habitats remain unclear. Hear, we expand the genome inventory for Absconditabacteria (SR1), Gracilibacteria, and Saccharibacteria (TM7), CPR bacteria known to occur in both animal-associated and environmental microbiomes, and investigate variation in gene content with habitat of origin. By overlaying phylogeny with habitat information, we show that bacteria from these three lineages have undergone multiple transitions from environmental habitats into animal microbiomes. Based on co-occurrence analyses of hundreds of metagenomes, we extend the prior suggestion that certain TM7 have broad bacterial host ranges and constrain possible host relationships for SR1 and Gracilibacteria. Full-proteome analyses show that animal-associated TM7 have smaller gene repertoires than their environmental counterparts and are enriched in numerous protein families, including those likely functioning in amino acid metabolism, phage defense, and detoxification of peroxide. In contrast, some freshwater TM7 encode a putative rhodopsin. For protein families exhibiting the clearest patterns of differential habitat distribution, we compared protein and species phylogenies to estimate the incidence of lateral gene transfer and genomic loss occurring over the species tree. These analyses suggest that habitat transitions were likely not accompanied by large transfer or loss events, but rather were associated with continuous proteome remodeling. Thus, we speculate that CPR habitat transitions were driven largely by availability of suitable host taxa, and were reinforced by acquisition and loss of some capacities.

mBio Vol.12 No.4 pp.e00521_1-e00521_21 2021
K. Bateman, Y. Amano, M. Kubota, Y. Ohuchi and Y. Tachi

Reaction and Alteration of Mudstone with Ordinary Portland Cement and Low Alkali Cement Pore Fluids

The alkaline fluid arising from the cement-based materials will react with host rock to form a chemically disturbed zone around the geological disposal repository. To understand how these conditions may evolve, a series of batch and flow experiments were conducted with Horonobe mudstone and fluids representative of the alkaline leachates expected from both Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) and Low Alkali Cement (LAC) leachates. The impact of the LAC was more limited, compared to the OPC leachates. Ion exchange reactions had an impact initially but thereafter the reaction was dominated by primary mineral dissolution, and in the case of OPC leachates precipitation of secondary C-S-H phases. The flow experiments revealed that precipitation of the secondary phases was restricted to close to the initial contact zone of the fluids and mudstone. The experimental results demonstrate that a combination of both batch and flow-through experiments can provide the insights required for the understanding of the key geochemical interactions and the impact of transport, allowing the spatial as well as temporal evolution of the alkaline leachate / mudstone system to be determined.

Minerals (Internet) Vol.11 No.6 pp.588_1-588_19 2021
K. Yotsuji, Y. Tachi, H. Sakuma and K. Kawamura

Effect of interlayer cations on montmorillonite swelling: Comparison between molecular dynamic simulations and experiments

This study investigated swelling behaviors of montmorillonite with interlayer cations including monovalent Na, K and Cs, and divalent Ca and Sr by molecular dynamics simulations and experimental measurements coupling X-ray diffraction and water vapor adsorption. The comparative analysis provides a consistent picture of the swelling mechanisms of montmorillonite and their dependence on the interlayer cations. From comparative analysis of the effects of the interlayer cations, the main factor affecting the swelling behaviors of montmorillonite with monovalent and divalent interlayer cations seems to be the hydration free energy of the interlayer cations. The crystalline swelling ability and the saturated water contents in the interlayer of montmorillonite can be correlated to the hydration free energy of each interlayer cations. The additional key factor is the preference of outer- or inner-sphere complex of interlayer cations and resulting cations distributions in the interlayer space. This effect has a significant impact in the case of monovalent cations, resulting different swelling behaviors between outer-sphere Na and inner-sphere K and Cs.

Applied Clay Science Vol.204 pp.106034_1-106034_13 2021



著者 タイトル(クリックで要旨) 発表先 発表年

オールジャパンでとりくむ地層処分のいま,4; 処分場の設計と工学技術(その2)


日本原子力学会誌ATOMOΣ 2022



第48回岩盤力学に関するシンポジウム (オンライン開催)
講演集 (WEB) ROMBUN No.3



第48回岩盤力学に関するシンポジウム (オンライン開催)
講演集 (WEB) ROMBUN No.44



第58回全国建設業労働災害防止大会研究論文集(CD-ROM) 2021



土木学会論文集F1(トンネル工学) Vol.77 No.2 pp.29-43 (インターネット) 2021



深田地質研究所年報 第22号 pp.119-137 2021



深田地質研究所年報 第22号 pp.139-153 2021



地質学雑誌 Vol.127 No.6 pp.345-362 2021



瑞浪市化石博物館研究報告 48巻 pp.9-19 2021


著者 タイトル(クリックで要旨) 発表先 発表年

Micropores and mass transfer in the formation of myrmekites


American Mineralogist 2022
T. Yuguchi, H. Yuasa, Y. Izumino, K. Nakashima, E. Sasao and T. Nishiyama

Micropores and mass transfer in the formation of myrmekites


American Mineralogist Vol.107 No.3 pp.476-488 2022
A. Kirishima, M. Terasaki, K. Miyakawa, Y. Okamoto and D. Akiyama

Deep groundwater physicochemical components affecting actinide migration

令和2年度以降の幌延深地層研究計画において原子力機構が取り組んでいる課題の1つである「実際の地質環境における人工バリアの適用性確認」では、坑道周辺の掘削損傷領域において物質移行に関するデータの取得が必要である。これに資することが期待される基礎的知見として、深部地下水中のアクチニドの移行挙動をより良く理解するために、水質の異なる2種類の地下水試料にトレーサーを添加し、地下水中の溶存成分との相互作用を調べた。地下水試料は、幌延深地層研究センターの地下施設の250mおよび350m調査坑道のボーリング孔および、瑞浪超深地層研究所の地下施設の300mおよび500m坑道のボーリング孔から採取した。得られた地下水試料に対して、トレーサーとしてLa, Sm, Ho, Uを濃度10ppbまたは100ppbになるように添加した。その後、地下水試料を0.2µmフィルターと10kDaフィルターで順次濾過し、ろ液中のトレーサー濃度をICP-MSで分析し、ろ紙に捕獲されたトレーサー濃度をTOF-SIMSで分析し、化学形態をXAFSにより分析した。その結果、幌延の地下水中では、ランタニドの移行はリン酸塩により支配されていることが分かった。このことから、高レベル放射性廃棄物から海成堆積層の地下水中に溶出するマイナーアクチニドの溶解度は、リン酸塩により規定されることが示唆された。一方、瑞浪の地下水のように塩濃度が低くリン酸イオン濃度の低い地下水では、マイナーアクチニドの一部は水酸化物もしくはヒドロオキシ炭酸塩を形成することが示唆された。

Chemosphere Vol.289 pp.133181_1 - 133181_12 2022
E. Ishii

The highest potential transmissivities of fractures in fault zones: Reference values based on laboratory and in situ hydro-mechanical experimental data


Engineering Geology Vol.294 pp.106369_1-106369_12 2021
Y. Ozaki and N. Miyara

Evaluation of time lapse behavior of excavation damaged zone by first arrival tomography in Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory


14th SEGJ International Symposium (Japan) (online) 2021
Möri, A.;Mazurek, M.、太田久仁雄、Siitari-Kauppi, M.;Eichinger, F.;Leuenberger, M.

Quantifying the porosity of crystalline rocks by in situ and laboratory injection methods

The porosity and pore geometry of rock samples from a coherent granodioritic rock body at the Grimsel Test Site in Switzerland was characterised by different methods using injection techniques. Results from in situ and laboratory techniques are compared by applying in situ resin impregnation techniques as well as rock impregnation and mercury injection under laboratory conditions. In situ resin impregnation of the rock matrix shows an interconnected pore network throughout the rock body, providing an important reservoir for pore water and solutes, accessible by diffusion. Porosity and pore connectivity do not vary as a function of distance to brittle shear zones. In situ porosity is about half the porosity value that was determined on rock samples in the laboratory. This could be due to that such samples were affected by artefacts created since core recovery. The extrapolation of laboratory measurements to in situ conditions requires great care and may not be feasible in all cases.

Minerals (Internet) 2021
Y. Ozaki, T. Iwatsuki, N. Taniguchi and H. Ohno

International joint research on thermal-hydraulic-mechanical-chemical modelling of engineering/geological systems at Horonobe URL, Japan


INMM & ESARDA Joint Annual Meeting (online) Vienna (Austria) 2021
H. Onoe, M. Ishibashi, Y. Ozaki and T. Iwatsuki

Development of modeling methodology for hydrogeological heterogeneity of the deep fractured granite in Japan

本研究ではMIUの深度500mの坑道を事例として亀裂性岩盤のモデリングの方法論について検討した。その結果、割れ目のトレース長分布の再現性に基づいて、割れ目の地質学的パラメータだけでなく水理学的パラメータも推定することができる割れ目のモデル化手法を開発した。本モデル化手法を適用することで、岩盤が有する割れ目の統計的な特性を精度よく再現できるDiscrete Fracture Network (DFN)モデルを構築することが可能となった。また、割れ目の分布位置や透水性を調査データに基づき修正するコンディショニング手法を適用することで、特定の場所のローカルな割れ目特性の評価が可能であることを実証した。さらに、亀裂性岩盤の水理学的な不均質性をモデル化するために必要な原位置調査と調査データとの関係を明らかにするとともに、日本の地層処分事業に資する有益な知見として、DFNモデルを用いた地下施設建設段階の現場調査とモデリング、処分パネル設計の考え方を提案した。

International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences Vol.144 pp.104737_1-104737_14 2021
T. Yuguchi, T. Matsuki, Y. Izumino, E. Sasao and T. Nishiyama

Mass transfer associated with chloritization in the hydrothermal alteration process of granitic pluton


American Mineralogist Vol.106 No.7 pp.1128-1142 2021
T. Yuguchi, Y. Izumino and E. Sasao

Genesis and development processes of fractures in granite: petrographic indicators of hydrothermal alteration


PLOS ONE (Internet) Vol.16 No.5 pp.0251198_1-0251198_17 2021
T. Yuguchi, K. Yagi, E. Sasao and T. Nishiyama

K-Ar geochronology for hydrothermal K-feldspar within plagioclase in a granitic pluton: constraints on timing and thermal condition for hydrothermal alteration


Heliyon (Internet) Vol.7 No.4 pp.06750_1-06750_9 2021



著者 タイトル(クリックで要旨) 発表先 発表年



フィッション・トラックニュースレター No.34 pp.4-8 2021
福田将眞、末岡茂、菅野瑞穂、B.P. Kohn、田上高広

ジルコン(U-Th)/He法の年代標準試料の探求: 仁左平デイサイトにおける年代学的検討


フィッション・トラックニュースレター No.34 pp.9-13 2021



フィッション・トラックニュースレター No.34 pp.14-16 2021

17th International Conference on Thermochronologyの参加報告

17th International Conference on Thermochronology (以下、Thermo2021)が2021年9月12-17日にアメリカ、ニューメキシコ州Santa Fe市街地のEldorado Resortにて開催された。2020年開催予定の本大会であったが、新型コロナウイルスの蔓延と社会情勢を理由に延期となっていた。本大会に先立ってVirtual Thermo2020/1と銘打ったオンラインセッションが開催されたこともあり、本大会は原則現地開催となったが、社会情勢の悪化により渡航を断念したグループも多く、発表はZoomを通して全世界と共有された。本稿では、参加までの経緯、本大会にて行われた発表の内容や傾向、2023年、2025年大会に向けての課題を報告する。

フィッション・トラックニュースレター No.34 pp.25-26 2021



地質学雑誌 Vol.127 No.10 pp.T-U 2021



GSJ地質ニュース Vol.10 No.9 pp.207-213 2021



第四紀研究 Vol.60 No.2 pp.27-41 2021

Geochemical and chronological studies of basaltic eucrites: Implications for decoding the thermal history of a terrestrial planet, Vesta


地球化学 Vol.55 No.2 pp.57-58 2021

断層ガウジの化学組成に基づく活断層と非活断層の判別 −線形判別分析による試み


応用地質 Vol.62 No.2 pp.104-112 2021

EPMAによる重鉱物の迅速な定量分析を用いた後背地解析 −北海道幌延地域の事例−


応用地質 Vol.62 No.1 pp.2-12 2021


著者 タイトル(クリックで要旨) 発表先 発表年
E. Balkanska, S. Georgiev, A. Kounov, M. Antić, T. Tagami, S. Sueoka, J. Wijbrans and I. Peytcheva

Low-temperature constraints on the Alpine thermal evolution of the central parts of the Sredna Gora Zone, Bulgaria

The central parts of the Sredna Gora Zone in Bulgaria have experienced a complex Alpine tectonic evolution. The main tectonic and thermal events since the end of the Triassic are the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous (Early Alpine) and Late Cretaceous–Paleogene (Late Alpine) compression/transpression separated by Late Cretaceous island-arc magmatism and intra/back-arc extension and basin formation. During the Cenozoic, the area was mainly under post-orogenic extension. Here, we present the first apatite and zircon fission-track results and new muscovite and biotite 40Ar/39Ar age analysis on late Carboniferous–Permian granitoids together with Late Cretaceous volcanic and subvolcanic rocks and Late Maastrichtian–Danian conglomerates from the Panagyurishte basin, which allowed us to reveal the Alpine thermal and tectonic evolution of the Central Sredna Gora Zone. Our new results disclosed the existence of several thermal and cooling episodes related to different tectonic and magmatic events in the studied area. The 40Ar/39Ar dating of samples from the metamorphic basement constrain the thermal peak of an Early Alpine thermal event at about 139–137 Ma at temperatures between ~ 300 and 400℃. Through the apatite FT dating and thermal modelling, the time of a Late Alpine (post-Danian) event was constrained at 65–55 Ma, during which the tectonically buried sediments of the Panagyurishte basin attained temperature of < 120℃. The Cenozoic cooling and exhumation of the Central Sredna Gora Zone metamorphic basement was related to post-orogenic extension and denudation which took place probably at two stages during middle Eocene to Oligocene.

Geologica Carpathica Vol.73 No.1 pp.3-23 2022
T. Watanabe, S. Kagami and M. Niwa

Geochemical and heavy mineral signatures of marine incursion by a paleotsunami on the Miyazaki plain along the Nankai-Suruga trough, the Pacific coast of southwest Japan


Marine Geology Vol.444 pp.106704_1 - 106704_13 2022
H. Sawada, S. Niki, M. Nagata and T. Hirata

Zircon U–Pb–Hf Isotopic and Trace Element Analyses for Oceanic Mafic Crustal Rock of the Neoproterozoic–Early Paleozoic Oeyama Ophiolite Unit and Implication for Subduction Initiation of Proto-Japan Arc


Minerals Vol.12 No.1 pp.107_1-107_15 2022
S. Kagami and T. Yokoyama

Simultaneous Determination of Insoluble Fluoride-Forming and High Field-Strength Element Abundances in Rock Samples by ICP-QMS through Isotope Dilution-Internal Standardization

岩石に含まれる異なる2つの元素群(Insoluble fluoride-forming elements: IFFEsとHigh field strength elements: HFSEs)の濃度測定では、試料の前処理過程でそれぞれの化学的挙動が異なるため、それぞれのフラクションを必要としていた。本研究では、試料の酸分解前に主要元素組成を任意に調整することで、IFFEsとHFSEsの濃度を同一のフラクションから測定する手法を開発した。本研究の手法を用いて標準岩石試料のIFFEs/HFSEs濃度を測定した結果、多くの元素に対して、得られた分析値のばらつきは4%未満であり、また、従来法による分析値と±5%以内で一致した。この手法は、試料量が少ない貴重なサンプルやIFFEs/HFSEsに富む微小鉱物を含む不均質な試料の濃度測定に対して特に有効である。

Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research Vol.45 No.4 pp.679-699 2021
S. Minami, M. Nagata, S. Sueoka, S. Fukuda, Y. Kajita, Y. Ogita, S. Kagami, T. Yokoyama and T. Tagami

Two pulse intrusive events of the Pliocene Tanigawa-dake granites revealed from zircon U-Pb dating

We performed zircon U-Pb dating on the Pliocene Tanigawa-dake granites (Makihata and Tanigawa bodies) and the Cretaceous Minakami quartzdiorite, Northeast Japan Arc. Concordia ages were estimated to be 3.95 ± 0.11 Ma (± 2 sigma) for the Makihata body, 3.18 ± 0.13 Ma and 3.32 ± 0.15 Ma for the Tanigawa body, and 109.4 ± 2.2 Ma for the Minakami quartzdiorite. The Minakami quartzdiorite is possibly correlated to the bedrock in the Ashio belt because the age of the Minakami quartzdiorite is consistent with the zircon U-Pb ages of the earliest Tadamigawa granites (107-62 Ma) which are distributed to the northeast of the Tanigawa-dake region and belong to the Ashio belt. All the zircon U-Pb ages of the Tanigawa-dake granites are older than the previously reported cooling ages, i.e., K-Ar ages and zircon fission-track ages, being consistent with their difference in closure temperature. On the basis of these results, we concluded that the intrusive ages of the Tanigawa-dake granites are ~4-3 Ma, which are among the youngest exposed plutons on Earth. The U-Pb ages of the Makihata body and the Tanigawa body are different significantly in the 2 sigma error range. Thus, the Tanigawa body intruded later than the Makihata body by ~0.7 Myr.

Earth, Planets and Space (Internet) Vol.73 No.1 pp.231_1-231_7 2021
T. Watanabe, C. Ishii, C. Ishizaka, M. Niwa, K. Shimada, Y. Sawai, N. Tsuchiya, T. Matsunaka, S. Ochiai and F. W. Nara

Quantitative and semi–quantitative analyses using a portable energy dispersive X–ray fluorescence spectrometer: Geochemical applications in fault rocks, lake sediments, and event deposits

携帯型成分分析計(potable XRF:ポータブル蛍光エックス線分析装置)は、迅速な化学分析、及びオンサイトでのデータ取得において重要な役割を果たす。しかし、これまでに地質試料に含まれる化学成分の定量分析の実例は限られていた。定量分析を目的として、本研究ではマグネシウムからウランまでの24元素について、地球化学標準試料等を用いて検量線を作成した。さらに、本装置の天然試料への適用性評価のため、敦賀半島等から採取された断層岩試料、能登半島の湖底堆積物、及び仙台平野の津波堆積物の定量分析を実施した。携帯型成分分析計を用いて各試料から得られた定量分析結果は、一部の試料を除き既報値とよく一致した。

Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences Vol.116 No.3 pp.140-158 2021
T. Watanabe, N. Tsuchiya, A. Kitamura, S. Yamasaki and F. W. Nara

Geochemical characteristics of paleotsunami deposits from the Shizuoka plain on the Pacific coast of middle Japan


Geochemical Journal Vol.55 No.6 pp.325-340 2021
T. Mitsuguchi, N. Okabe, Y. Yokoyama, M. Yoneda, Y. Shibata, N. Fujita, T. Watanabe and Y. Saito-Kokubu

129I/127I and Δ14C records in a modern coral from Rowley Shoals off northwestern Australia reflect the 20th-century human nuclear activities and ocean/atmosphere circulations


Journal of Environmental Radioactivity Vol.235-236 pp.106593_1 - 106593_10 2021
T. Niihara, T. Yokoyama, T. Arai and K. Misawa

Petrology and mineralogy of an igneous clast in the Northwest Africa 1685 (LL4) chondrite: Comparison with alkali-rich igneous clasts in LL-chondritic breccias

NWA 1685 (LL4)コンドライトの岩石鉱物学的研究をおこなった。既往研究では、NWA 1685にはYamato-74442 (LL4), Bhola (LL3-6), Kraehenberg (LL5)に認められるものと同様の岩片を含むと記載されていた。本研究では、NWA 1685に含まれる岩片について組織や鉱物及びマトリックスの化学組成をYamato-74442, Bhola, KraehenbergなどのLLコンドライトに含まれるアルカリに富む岩片と比較した。NWA 1685の岩片中のかんらん石は、ガラス質のマトリックスに存在し、ゾーニングは認められない。また、衝撃溶融による脈状組織や割れ目がかんらん石の内部のみで見つかり、ガラス質なマトリックスには伸びていないことが確認される。また、かんらん石の主要元素および微量元素組成は均質であった。ガラス質なマトリックスのカリウム存在度は、Yamato-74442, Bhola, Kraehenbergと比較して低く、NWA 1685に含まれる岩片はYamato-74442, Bhola, Kraehenbergなど角礫岩LLコンドライトに含まれる岩片と異なり、LLコンドライト母天体での衝撃溶融イベントの後に急冷して形成され角礫岩に取り込まれたと考えられる。

Meteoritics & Planetary Science Vol.56 No.8 pp.1619-1625 2021
T. Watanabe, N. Fujita, A. Matsubara, M. Miyake, T. Nishio, C. Ishizaka and Y. Saito-Kokubu

Preliminary report on small-mass graphitization for radiocarbon dating using EA-AGE3 at JAEA-AMS-TONO

地質試料の放射性炭素年代測定等において加速器質量分析法(AMS)は広く使用されている。しかし、年代測定に必要となる堆積層中の植物片等の試料量は限られており、微少量での年代測定手法の開発が重要である。日本原子力研究開発機構東濃地科学センターのJAEA-AMS-TONOでは、試料前処理用の自動グラファイト調製装置(IonPlus社製AGE3: Automated Graphitization Equipment 3)を導入し、既存の元素分析装置(Elementar社製EA: Elemental Analyzer)と接続することで、EA-AGE3として使用し、装置の最適化とともに放射性炭素年代測定の前処理手法の改善を継続して進めている。本研究では、炭素量0.1mgから0.05mgでの微少量試料の放射性炭素年代測定を目的として、EA-AGE3装置を用いた試料前処理手法の最適条件を検討した。分析条件の検討として、試料前処理に使用する銀箔のベーキングによる炭素汚染の減少と反応触媒となる鉄粉量の調整を実施した。分析条件の最適化をした後に、放射性炭素年代測定の国際標準物質として使用されているNIST-SRM4990C、IAEA-C1、C4、C5、C7等の放射性炭素濃度測定を実施した。得られた結果は、標準試料の放射性炭素濃度の合意値と概ね±2σの範囲で一致した。したがって、本手法による少量試料での年代測定が可能であることが示された。

Geochemical Journal Vol.55 No.4 pp.277-281 2021
F. Nara, T. Yokoyama, S. Yamasaki, M. Minami, Y. Asahara, T. Watanabe, K. Yamada, N. Tsuchiya and Y. Yasuda

Characteristics in trace elements compositions of tephras (B-Tm and To-a) for identification tools


Geochemical Journal Vol.55 No.3 pp.117-133 2021
