Environmental Radiation Monitoring Information

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Weather Observation Data

Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Oarai Research & Development Institute(ORDI) is conducting weather observations from a meteorological tower (90 meter high), as well as from the surrounding area.

Wind Direction,
Wind Speed
Windmill type

Measurement Range:
Wind Speed
0.5 m/s - 60.0 m/s
(at 80m and 40m high)
Wind Speed
0.5 m/s - 20.0 m/s
(at 10m high)
Air Temperature Electric thermometer
Precipitation Tipping Bucket
Rain Gauge

Resolution:0.5 mm

Meteorological Tower at OEC
Meteorological Tower at ORDI
The meteorological measurement data is controlled and managed by the Safety Administration Section. In case of wind speeds less than 0.5 m/s, the wind is described as being 'calm'.

Atmospheric Stability

The atmospheric stability indicator provides information on the state of the atmosphere and is derived from the wind speed at 10 m above ground, and the amount of the solar and net radiation. It is classified into ten grades: A, A-B, B, B-C, C, C-D, D, E, F, and G.
Oarai Research & Development Institute performs meteorological measurements based upon the meteorological observation guideline writen in Safety Analysis of the Power Reactor Facilities, which is published by the Nuclear Safety Commission in Japan. At ORDI, atmospheric stability is also determined from this guideline.
