Environmental Radiation Monitoring

The gamma dose rate around the Oarai Research & Development Institute have been affected by radioactivities spread out from the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station since the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11.
The maximum level was recorded on March 15. The second peak have arrived on March 21.After that, the monitoring dose rate levels have been decreasing slowly.Our site is about 120km far from the Fukushima power station.

index CurrentData Tables Graphs Additional Information
Current Environmental Monitoring Results
1hour 10minutes  

 2025 February 7 14:00-14:10
Environmetal Gamma Radiation Levels
W 8.4 m/s
Wind Direction 
WNW 6.5 m/s
Wind Direction 
WSW 2.8 m/s
Wind Direction
* : Currently Offline 
Meteorological Mesurements
Wind Direction Wind Speed(m/s) Temperature(oC) Humidity(%) Precipitation(mm) Atmospheric Stability
80m W 8.4 5.9 27.8 0.0 D
40m WNW 6.5
10m WSW 2.8